That MSM had my hair growing like crazy!



I don't know what was in this stuff but I guess it is the sulfur. Anyhow, when I was using this stuff my hair was growing super fast. My scalp was itching and the only thing I was taking was GNC's Ultra Nourish Hair and 1 tablet of MSM.

Now I am using one topical product, BT, a multi-vitamin which every woman needs anway, and Robin's Super Amino Acid Hair vitamins.

This gives me about an inch a month. But since I am not getting my sulfur and most African-Americans have a low sulfur count I will be added this back to my regimine.

A few weeks after my MSM ran out my scalp stop itching also so I know this was the cause of my growth.

Anyone else got growth or itching from MSM?
Yes! I take Ultra Nourish Hair, and my hair has been growing great too! I am not sure, though, if I should contribute my growth from solely that or also the extra biotin I am taking. Either way, I am PLEASED! :p
I used to take 2000 mg of MSM daily for joint pains. It never increased my growth or changed my texture. I am now up to taking 4,000 mg (for my joints). Still no increase in growth. Different effects in different people I guess.
Girl, me too. Even my eye lashes are thicker. I love that stuff!!!

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I need to go on and get stock in MSM. It takes are of everything! My skin was clearer, my hair grew like weeds, and my system was regular. I had fewer asthma flare ups as well. My nails are growing too. When I ran out over the summer I noticed the difference within about two weeks. My skin went haywire! Three cystic bumps and my pores seemed to explode to monumental sizes. I will never again be without my MSM.

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
Some people using MSM won't notice a difference if they are already getting all their daily sulphur intake, maybe! I know it thickened my growth when I started using it right at the start of my journey. Spirulina made my hair grow the fastest though!
i have been taking mine for less than a month. i do 1-2 tsp daily in my tea. i only do the 2 tsp if i have to get up super early for work, otherwise it would interrupt my sleep schedule. my skin is looking better( but i was tweaking my skincare and diet prior and it was already improving) but over time we shall see. i am going to take an herbal form of vitamin c ( from dherbs) with it in the next month or so so it can better absorb.
I sure had to wax my daggone legs sooner than usual! It helps keep my knee pain away. I'm able to take one a day now before I could only do a couple a week.
I used to take 2000 mg of MSM daily for joint pains. It never increased my growth or changed my texture. I am now up to taking 4,000 mg (for my joints). Still no increase in growth. Different effects in different people I guess.

I'm like LaFemmeNaturelle; I take for joint pain, 5,000 mg daily and haven't really noticed hair changes or growth. The joint benefits alone are good enough for me to continue taking. I have been using consistently for well over a two years.
Some people using MSM won't notice a difference if they are already getting all their daily sulphur intake, maybe! I know it thickened my growth when I started using it right at the start of my journey. Spirulina made my hair grow the fastest though!

lolascurls how much spirulina are you taking daily? I take 2 grams currently and I'm wondering if I should increase my intake so that I can really see the benefits. I am taking 4000mgs of MSM daily. Any more than that and I have horrible headaches.
I sure had to wax my daggone legs sooner than usual! It helps keep my knee pain away. I'm able to take one a day now before I could only do a couple a week.

Okay so I'm sold now.....faster hair growth AND it will help with knee pain, I'm so in!

Does anyone have any recommendations for the best brand?
I used to take 1800mg of MSM and I did this for a few months but it didn't make a big difference to my hair growth at all if any.
For powder form I love Source Naturals
It lasts forever and much better than capsules (for me)
I took (Doctor's Best MSM) capsules and had horrible boils and muscle pain... But in it's defense my guy takes it and doesn't have those problems. Also they say the boils come from it trying to detox you and you not taking in enough water. I can only take one capsule every few days but with the powder (Source Naturals) I can do 1-2tsp a day and have no pain and good growth.

Okay so I'm sold now.....faster hair growth AND it will help with knee pain, I'm so in!

Does anyone have any recommendations for the best brand?
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I love MSM for growth. My BF saw the bottle and how it said it's good for joint pain, and started taking them so now I'm out!! :bat:
For powder form I love Source Naturals
It lasts forever and much better than capsules (for me)
I took (Doctor's Best MSM) capsules and had horrible boils and muscle pain... But in it's defense my guy takes it and doesn't have those problems. Also they say the boils come from it trying to detox you and you not taking in enough water. I can only take one capsule every few days but with the powder (Source Naturals) I can do 1-2tsp a day and have no pain and good growth.

Thanks for the info. I saw Dr.'s best online and it was really inexpensive but the powder sounds like a great idea.
@lolascurls how much spirulina are you taking daily? I take 2 grams currently and I'm wondering if I should increase my intake so that I can really see the benefits. I am taking 4000mgs of MSM daily. Any more than that and I have horrible headaches.

I took 2-3g daily of Spirulina, I got horrible heartburn with more than 750mg of MSM so I stuck with that dose.
I get good growth from MSM. Now brand powder. The effects are boosted when you take it with Vit C. So I drink it with OJ. When I stop taking it for a long period I notice my edges don't look as full. It also does wonders for my eyelashes too.
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