Synthetic hair question?


Well-Known Member
I bought a phony pony and it looks phony alright. Is there a way to rough up synthetic hair so it doesn't look so synthetic?
someone finally posted somethng about synthetic hair.
well I am the synthetic queen.
Well the good synthetic. not that oh boy kiny kankelon..

The avatar is a synthetic wig I had for 3 months.


when i first get the wig or hair..
I drag it on the carper..
laugh .. but it makes it look realistic..

and just shake the ish out of it..
brush with a weave brush.

and thats it
no spray shine none of that stuff.

just rough it up!

and i have a question..
how do you make it look realistic again.. like close to store condition.
I know you must moisturize it .. but one of them i have with blond/ 33 curls.. hmph.. it looks over dry and washing it doesnt help..
