Question about Phonytails


New Member
How do you get rid of the “plastic “ shine on a synthetic phony tail/bun. I bought one that is the same shade as my hair except its texture is not natural looking. Any ideas would be helpful . I was thinking of rinsing the phony tail in warm water and avc mix to get rid of the shine??
I think the ACV will only enhance the shine. It does so on natural hair by closing the cuticle so...

Your question is a tricky one. Is the hair synthetic? If it were human, I'd suggest a high-pH shampoo or a clarifying shampoo to strip the hair of oils and leave the cuticle lifted so it doesn't reflect light off easily. For synthetic...uhmm...I'm thinking anything that leaves a scummy layer on it might work (Now that doesn't sound very nice, does it?
) How about experimenting with hot water alone first. Or hot water with baking soda. BTW, the baking soda can also be used in place of the clarifying/high pH shampoo with human hair; it would do the same thing as the high-pH shampoo.

(If you're brave enough to try my suggestions, test 'em on a small section of the pony so you don't damage the entire pony.)
You may want to try this on a cheap phonytail....I bought one that was too long, curled in with a warm to medium hot curling iron, cut off the damaged ends and voila...the pontail looked like real hair.

Mind you, I curled it on accident and HAD to cut it, but no one knows it's not mine.

I tried washing it with a clarifying shampooo but its still shiny. I will try dipping it in a solution of hot water and baking soda.


Did using a hot curling iron make the phonytail less shiny??