Switching Relaxers (Regular Lye to Mild Lye)


New Member
Has anyone ever done this? I have been thinking about switching, although I love what I use now (Vitale Regular Strength Lye) and I've used it for sooooo long.

So you're probably wondering, "Why switch when I love it so?" It just gets my hair so straight, and my hair is not really that coarse in it's natural state. I'd love to have more of my natural texture and not have it be bone straight so I can wash-n-go.

I'm thinking of stwitching to Affirm Mild or Mizani. Have any of you done this? Any issues switching? Any precautions? If I don't switch, maybe I'll just decrease processing time.

Thanks! :)
Hey SG!

I never had a problem with switching relaxers, but I say if it ain't broke don't fix it. I say decrease the processing time for your current relaxer to get keep some of the texture of your natural hair.
I just got a touch-up after 12 weeks, and I switched from Vitale Mo'body to the Elucence gentle. I really liked the Vitale Mo'body, but like you I wanted something that processed slower. The fact that the Mo' Body only came in one strength was always a potential negative to me.

All the lye perms that I've used have always been mild except for the Mo'Body. I was really impressed with the Elucence. Since this is a new relaxer for me, I'm still working out the optimal processing time. It was probably in my hair for about 13 minutes. I still have a good deal of wave pattern left when I airdry, but it's really easy to get bone straight with a wet set and/or flat iron. However, I think the back section of my hair might need a few more minutes so that it matches the front. So I guess that would be the only drawback.
Hey Kaddy, Allandra, and Myco :wave:

Thanks so much. I had the exact concern that you mentioned Myco. I'd hate to exacerbate the situation by having hair that is different textures.

I think I'll follow the advice of Kaddy and Allandra and just stick with Vitale and process less.

As always, thanks for the great advice!!
