New Member
Well, I finally gave in and brought Surge's Woojee Cream and Revitalizer 14 Spray. I must say that I'm pretty impressed. I have been using it for a week. Usually, if something is going to bother me, it would do it in a day or two. So far no irritations. My hair, which is in its 8th week, is so soft and shiny. The comb out was easier too. Normally I can't make it pass my 6th week without a lot of breakage. One plus also was the Revitalizer spray got rid of my itchy scalp that I usually experience after washing. The other plus is that the Woojee cream smelled good and didn't leave me greasier than fried chicken! So far it's a keeper for me.
Hot DIGGETY DANG! Another satisfied customer...sounds like you are doing things in a good order order to avoid problems...

8 Weeks...that is a long time...what kind of growth are you having?
I'm glad you like surge. I used surge for two weeks along with daily co washes, this weekend I did a flat iron so I could see the growth and I must say I was also impressed.
I just tried surge for the first time last night and so far things are good and I hope things continue to be great for me just like they are for you. Bring on the growth!
3rd Week of Surge usage and I must say I am very, very impressed. My last touch-up was 11/22/03 and usually I can't go pass 6 weeks! I use the Revitalizer 14 Spray every day morning and bedtime along with the Woojee Cream. I have experienced super duper new growth. Even though I have about 2 inches of new growth, my hair looks soft, shiny, and I just got a compliment on my hair over the weekend. I still wash once a week. I have not experience any irritations. I give Surge the thumbs up!
I've been using surge since JAn 29th, and I can already notice a difference!! I already have about 1/2 to 3/4 an inch in some places, hopefully I can get another inch in a month with the surge! I'll keep ya posted!