***Summer 2011 No Heat Challenge*** RESULTS


New Member
This is for everybody who participated in the no heat challenge for Summer 2011. I know I havent really been on the board lately, but I've still been keeping up with my hair and I hope everybody who joined this challenge didnt feel like I abandoned them too much... :sad: For those who did stick to the challenge who may post here.

Link to challenge

These are the results from May 1st until September 1st.

My Results

May 1st

Sept 1st


May 1st


Sept 1st


I'm really happy with my progress. :grin: Lets see the others!
I've haven't been using heat for the whole summer but I didn't know there was a challenge?
And I don't really have before pics.
ha, i wish i had pics. but while using one of my heat passes i did a flatiron with no product and no DC'ing. and got heat damage. and ended up cutting. :( but it'll grow back.
congrats, Miryoku!! Your hair looks great!
I don't feel like I grew or retained much but I will say this was a pretty easy challenge.

Here goes nothing...
*click to enlarge
straight hair (April '11 and August '11)

Screen shot 2011-09-03 at 12.54.57 AM.jpg

twistout hair April '11 and August '11)
Screen shot 2011-09-03 at 12.58.25 AM.jpg
congrats ladies. Even though I used heat at least once a month, I think I did good still. it looks much fuller for some reason.

May 5, 2011

and this was last week. Used a little heat to straighten it out to wear in a ponytail.