Spiritual Betrayal


New Member
Hello Everyone,
This is my first time posting in the Christian Forum. I had a situation that I went through with my former church a couple of years ago that I feel still hinders me today. My former pastor and his wife whom goes by the title of being a prophetess all most destroyed me. First of all she totally overshadowed him by getting up and prophesying during every and I mean every service. She gave me so many prophesies that I can't even remember them all. I know that she would take up atleast an hour doing this. Secondly, she thought every woman in the church wanted her husband and she would even get up and say that someone in the church was trying to come between them; which only led to further confusion because then everyone started looking around and judging other women and since I was the secretary and the one that had the most contact with him alot of people thought it was me. I knew that I loved my own husband and that even if I wasn't saved and married this man was not my type so endured it because God knew what was in my heart and I would not have hurt her or him for anything in the world because I loved them both as spritual leaders. But the final straw was when he got sick and stopped working and they were in financial trouble and one day I called her (she worked at the court house)to ask her about a business liscense for an idea that God had given me and she put him on the telephone with her and they told me that God had given them the same idea and we could do it together. God was already telling me that he was going to get me and my husband debt free and it was all working out. I was only going to need about a thousand dollars to open up my business which was going to be based out of my home because that is the way God gave it to me to start small. But the Pastor and his wife started preaching and prophelying to me about doing it another way. He eventually asked me (alone without my husband) to put my house up and borrow $50,000 for him to start our business and to build them a new church all in the name of Jesus. To put it mildly I was devastated and after I refused to do it things went down hill from there. So I eventually left and was rejected by all of the friends that I thought I had there and most of them I knew since childhood including my best friend. Only one person in that small congregation stood by me and she eventually left too because the wife started treating her like she wanted her husband. So now that I'm in another church I am very standoffish to the Pastor and his wife I don't mean to be but I am and I know it's because of what happened. I don't do anything in the church and I don't tarry around after church is out. But most importantly I am not as close to God as I want to be and that saddens me because through it all God has been the only sure thing in my life. I still beieve in the gift of prophesy because I have that gift and I believe that my former first lady has the gift but they tried to use it and other tactics for their own greedy gain. Does this mean she is a false prophet? I feel spritually empty and stale and I don't know how to get out of it but I'm grateful for that experience because I didn't know people could be that way so my eyes have been opened and God kept his promise to me that if I seek him that he would let me see The devil and his tactics and won't be overtaken by them. Please keep me in your prayers. (Sorry so Long)
I'm sorry you encountered such spiritual abuse. Please don't let that deter you from fulfilling God's purpose in your life.

Eli condoned his sons' wickedness just like your former pastor allowed his wife's behaviour to continue. Eli trained Samuel knowing that judgement was coming for his household. But God raised Samuel to be His prophet despite the evil that was happening around Samuel.

David had to put up with all of Saul's madness too, but David knew he was annointed to be the next king. He couldn't allow Saul's rebellious ways to corrupt his purpose.

You're now in a different church, and God still has work for you to do. Seek and follow after Him, and he'll guide you through the landmines the enemy tries to set up. Put your trust in Him.
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Just few short points:

Prophesy comes in part the rest is faith; God never shows prophet everything.
Also, prophesy can take years to happen your faith in God will bring it past.

You must forgive; God yes I said God allow this to happen to show you how people are and for you to become wiser; since God has been there with you do not let the enemy win by letting Him go.

When God cleans house like get rid of freinds etc. He is about to do something; this is actually promotion for you; God oftens has to isoloate us for a season to do His work. You will get knew freinds.

I do not think this person was false prophet but added to things and possibly made up stuff because she was in a desperate situation. She should have trusted God but she let the devil use her. She will reap what she has sowed.

Be commended for not buying some else a Church without your husband consent and legal documents. I do not do anything with anybody without an agreement and lawyer you can speak in tongues all night do not mean anything to me.

Move on or you will miss you blessing coming; its time to really let this go or it will hinder you from getting to the next level in life.

Take care you if go through this that ready for the mission from God.
Thanks Star for those encouraging words. I actually felt better after I wrote this thread I have not really shared this with people I know because I did not want to give anyone a bad name. I especially like the part where you said this was a promotion I never thought about it that way.
Thanks I really appreciate it.
Please stay encouraged....I commend you for being strong enough to find a new church when some people may have written off church all together...you faced a lot of things there....rejection, betrayal, hurt, mockery, emotional abuse....God can heal all of those things in you if you ask Him. Those can be very deep wounds especially when experienced by people you have known all your life, cared about and trusted. Your deliverance will come and you posting that shows that God has already begun that work in you. Phillipians 1:6 says being confident of this very thing, that he who began a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. So be confident that your emotional and spiritual restoration is coming.....and with that your trust and willingnes to serve will come as well...:)
I'm sorry that you went though such an ordeal. I went through a very tough situation in my church with a very influential member and false prophesies. If you hear a hint of selfishness in a prophesy that is supposed to be about you then I'd say you might be dealing with a false prophet.

I left my church for about 2 years and other churches that I went to (several during those 2 years) I was very stand-offish and untrusting as well. There's nothing wrong with that. It will take some time for you to heal and then you may never interact with "church folk" the same again and you don't have to. Your main reason for attending church is for God and to learn more about Him. But there are always those that will prove faithful to you and will stand by your side and you'll know them too.

Your situation is different than mine in that it was the leadership of the church that acted so foolishly. It's good that you got away from there. Others' eyes will probably be opened as well and it'll all come out in the wash. If not, at least YOUR eyes were opened.

The best thing you can do for yourself is to pray for those people that hurt you, because God will vindicate this situation if and how He sees fit. Also, pray for yourself that YOU will be able to handle it when He does. The false prophesying woman in my situation died at the age of 36 and WHOA! My mind was blown and I learned that God is not to be played with. I don't share this much with others because I don't want anyone to think I am saying God struck her down. I'll never really and truly know why she died, but the timing of the whole thing was so eerie and weird.

God owns this whole world and He will take care of you.