Solutions for Bad Hair Days?

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
What are some solutions you can share for bad hair days? For example, you rolled your hair overnight but then you wake up and the curls are frizzy or limp. What to do? I usually just pull my hair back (or up, if my kitchen looks alright :)) with a clip and make it a sort of romantic bun.

Also, I always always always keep coated rubber bands on hand in case I need to pull my hair into a ponytail/bun.

Feel free to post any solutions you have for bad hair days.
bantu knots! whenever my rollersets dont look too hot (my hair takes a long time to dry) I do 12 bantu knots and tie it down, take it out, and undo the the knots and finger comb. Works like a charm.
co-signing on the bantu knots, for me their is no other way, currently 20 weeks post, this is a keeper:yep:
When Im far in my stretch and my kitchen starts acting up I turn to my bananna clips (like in my avi). I usually make a messy bun while my hair is in the clip, this way my bun is much bigger and it hides my kitchen. :blush:
I slap on a 1/2 wig with a bandana and bounce. If I'm already dressed and don't have a matching bandana I will find a piece of fabric and put it over my head and pull it back and twist it up in the back like a bun :yep: like I have in my avatar.
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Depending on what time of year it is, I would wear my beautiful, handmade snood (I always get compliments). It takes care of any bad hair day. :yep:

Also, French Twists work very well for me as well as braided buns.
Good questions!!

I actually attempted to try bantu knots for the first time last night...

Mental note to self: Only experiment with your hair on the WEEKENDS!

By the time I got to work, my hair looked like a HAM! So I did was detangle and comb out the curls, put some water in my hair (on the top part), and left the ends curly/wavy. And pulled my hair up in a claw clip so my hair was straight on top and wavy in the clip.

One thing I learned since being on this board is that water is my friend :grin: Worked like a charm.
A HairZing is great! Just pull all your hair back then twist up and put the hairzing looks great every time! I love my hairzing...I have pics of me with it on my blog.