Good Hair Days Vs. Bad Hair Days

Which do you have more often?

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Which do you have more of?

Is it more often that you will wake up and be feeling so in love with your hair, and it's listening to your every command, and doing everything you want it to?

Or is it more common for you to wake up and feel BLAH about it, or dissatisfied in some shape or form with it, or it's just not really doing what you want, lol.

Personally, I feel like I have more bad hair days than good. A good hair day IMO is rare (at least a true blue one for me), but when I am having that good hair day.....I feel way 5x cheerier about my overall appearance that day. It just boosts my mood! So though rarer, they are lovely! :grin::grin:
Rarely have bad hair days. When I do it's because I'm depressed or stressed and make myself have a bad hair day by not combing it out for days and just doing a really messy (and not in a cute way) bun. I keep my hair down most of the time.

Cute sig.
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I seem to be having more good days than bad, it's very easy to style my hair now that it's more healthy. Even my buns are looking more polished and together.
I think I have more bad hair days then good hair days because I hate wearing a ponytail! But I wear them almost everyday because I really don't like buns. I would much rather wear my hair down because that's the only time I think it looks good. I wear my hair down like once a month probably less so every other day is bad lol.
The main time I have a bad hair day is when I fall asleep at my friend's during the weekends and sleep on a cotton pillowcase. My hair will feel like brillo in the morning and I have to DC to get back to normal.
The main time I have a bad hair day is when I fall asleep at my friend's during the weekends and sleep on a cotton pillowcase. My hair will feel like brillo in the morning and I have to DC to get back to normal.
if i fall asleep without my hair being protected with a satin pillowcase or scarf, my hair is usually a matted tangly mess when i wake up...but i dont have that many bad hair days...even if my hair isnt the best in the morning, its usually not something that a cowash cant fix.
No bad hair days... Just boring hair days. I'm BORED TO DEATH of my bun. Just OVER it... So, as of this year I decided to wear wigs when I go out and have fun. But, not to work... I'm too scared to go there at work. I'm planning a 100 percent heat free and low manipulation year to see if I can make it to waist length by December.
I rarely have a really good hair day and I rarely have really bad hair days.

I have okay hair days or blah hair days.
Since I started using Design Essentials a few months ago I don't really have bad hair days any more. They used to be caused by dry, frizzy hair but I don't have that problem anymore. Also, since using their relaxer my hair's getting fuller and looking even better.

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More good/neutral days than bad. And bad days are always my fault, cause I didn't wash/moisturize/braid my hair the night before so it's nothing against my hair or its texture.
I have a lot of bad hair days, but they are all my fault. I have to set my hair some kind of way at night and if I don't I have a big dry mess in the morning. My pillows are all cotton. And I don't always feel like sleeping on flexirods or braiding my hair. Sometimes I can't find my bonnet and some days I just don't care. That means bad hair days, but a cowash knocks it right out.
I have more good than bad. The "bad" days are the result of me not washing properly or too quickly, and being lazy with moisturizing. When it's "bad", I try to snatch it up in a top knot and keep it moving.
More good i feel i have my routine down and my hair responds well to what im doing

My bad hair days are when i try something new my hair is funny like that it doesnt like change last bad hair day well week:look: was this week with hairrules curlywhip :nono:
Lately I've been getting more good then bad. I know what tricks to do to make my hair look good (i.e. To have longer lasting more defined twist outs keep the twists in for 24 hours or more). I also know what techniques don't work for my hair (i.e. Wash and goes looked cute when my hair was short but now that my hair is longer it looks crazy, and makes my hair tangle. I also learned some new hair styles like the twist and curl to get spiral curls or mini twists for when I get tired of my hair.

For days when I'm lazy, and my hair looks a mess, instead of not doing anything I'll just cowash and do 10 big twists and have a cute chunky fro.
More good i feel i have my routine down and my hair responds well to what im doing

My bad hair days are when i try something new my hair is funny like that it doesnt like change last bad hair day well week:look: was this week with hairrules curlywhip :nono:

Same at the bolded.

I have more good/normal hair days and my bad hair days are all related to trying new products my hair doesn't like. Beginning tomorrow, I will be trying a couple of products from a line I haven't had much success with. There is a good chance I'll have a few bad hair days in the coming weeks. For whatever reason, I feel compelled to use stuff up even if my hair hates it :perplexed.
Definitely more good hair days than bad...I'm in luv with my hair now...I know what to do...the only time I have bad hair days is if I'm trying to do a braid out or a twist out..they dont work on my hair..but other than that...its WNG or buns constantly..If I str8en my hair..I will have bad hair days cause I wont wrap it @ night or restr8en it. Then my roots will revert and look puffy and inconsistent. It becomes a mess after a couple days..I have more boring hair days than bad hair days..
More bad days. I am transitioning and I'm tying to not use heat and wear weaves. It's hard. I can't style worth a dang. SMH. I really wanna master braid-outs/twist-outs.
I had plenty of bad hair days while transitioning, I was miserable and so was my hair :nono: ...but since chopping & going natural I haven't had any bad hair days, I just keep it moisturized and we are getting along just fine :lol:
I have more good than bad but it wasn't always that way. Pre-LHCF when I didn't know how to care for my hair I had more bad than good. Now I only had bad days when I get lazy about my hair but now that my hair's longer I can do things to mitigate it so it doesn't look like I'm having a bad hair day lol.:look: