So Sick Of These Beauticians !!!!!


New Member
A while ago, I decided to keep my hair at about 22 inches and keep cutting it even at that length until the end of the year. I know that my hair is thinning in some spots and I figured that would be the least painless way to thicken it up without a big chop.

A few days ago, I measured my hair before my touch-up and it was at 22.5 so I trimmed it to 21.5 and went to my appointment yesterday. I told my beautician that I cut my hair (meaning that there was no need for her to touch it!) because she asked me if I wanted her to trim it the last time. As far as I knew, she didn't trim it, although I got this weird feeling because I heard a slight shearing sound once while she was roller setting. I figured that I must be crazy because we didn't discuss a trim. She also charged $10 more than usual, but again, because I didn't tell her to trim it, I just thought her rates went up.

When I looked at my hair this morning, I didn't even recognize it. After being on these hair boards, I know every section of my hair. I know the thin parts and the exact length and my hair is 1 inch to 1.5 inches shorter in some parts. This is in addition to what I already cut.

At first I thought that she put something new in my hair and there was some immediate damage, but now that I see all of these clean snips, I am almost positive that she cut my ends without me knowing.
I am so heated and a part of me wants to believe that there was some miscommunication. I have been going to her for 5 years and nothing like this has happened. I can't even call her yet because she left for vacation.

These type of mishaps are what makes be wish that I knew how to put in a relaxer properly (believe me, I tried).
The ends aren't even across either. If they were, I could just leave them alone for the next 4 months and be right back at 22 inches by the end of the year.

I read everyone else's trim mishaps and figured that wouldn't happen to me because my beautician doesn't do that. I just feel like she did it on the down low or something, but then again she is not like that. It just feels weird that I had no clue. But, I am definitely going to call her next week to straighten this out!

I am just sick of taking a few inches forward and being pushed several inches right back.

I was already doing enough of that myself with my generous trims. So now I am at 20 inches with 19 inches in some parts.

Thank god you ladies on this board understand my frustations!
im sorry to hear this happen to u my advice would be call her and ask what she did and just keep moisturizing those ends and you be back to 22 inches
That's crazy I know how you feel having that happen to me before. It really makes me upset, but what can you do when someone sneaks a trim or cut on you!
Keep up your good work you'll be back to where you were before you know it, but make sure she knows that you are not happy with what she did & if she pulls a stunt like that again, you'll find a new hairdresser!
If she really did trim your hair w/o your permission, I wouldn't go back to her again. That was really sneaky!!
She would get no second chances from me!!
Also, you said that you were hearing some weird cutting sounds while she was setting your hair... you should have investigated that!!!
OMG I am so sorry, I don't know what I'd do and I don't understand how this happens. Do they really sneak a trim? How is that possible with all those mirrors? I must have the best stylist around. She asks and when you agree she then holds up the hair to show exactly how much you want taken off and if you're looking away she draws your attention before putting the scissors anwhere near it. I'm keeping her!
Let me get this straight...

She sneaked and cut your hair after you told her not to?


I'm a pretty even tempered person, but she would definitely lose a client and possibly gain a busted lip if that were me... The nerve of her!
She asks and when you agree she then holds up the hair to show exactly how much you want taken off and if you're looking away she draws your attention before putting the scissors anwhere near it. I'm keeping her!

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Sounds like you've got a WINNER, debyjay!!
If she really did trim your hair w/o your permission, I wouldn't go back to her again. That was really sneaky!!
She would get no second chances from me!!
Also, you said that you were hearing some weird cutting sounds while she was setting your hair... you should have investigated that!!!

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Uniquev11, I really sympathize to say the least. People are so jealous,
and they expect a tip. I am so sorry about what happened to you. I would not even think of relying on anyone else to do my hair me, I've been though so many nightmares until I decided to do it myself
Thanks for the support, ladies.

Norma, I can't wait to call her to find out what happened.

Dontspeakdefeat, you are right. If she says that she did cut my hair for whatever reason, I will look at her differently. I am saying if when I am almost positive that she did, but I want to feel that I have something wrong here.

Ms. Kenesha, I will definitely let her know that can never happen again. I am still in shock.

Lindy, I wish I would have taken that one sound more seriously. I just heard one metal swipe sound and I didn't hear it again. But then again, she was on the phone. It almost feels like she was being as quiet as possible.

DebyJay, you have a good beautician. Don't let her get away! In my beautician's shop there is only one wall of mirrors which was to my right. She never faces me toward the mirror. I am always facing the door so I couldn't see what was going on.

SassyGirl, that is the question that I will have for her. If I told her that I already cut it, what was the point of her cutting it. That's what makes me think that she misunderstood the point of me discussing the cut. But, she still should have said something.

A part of me still can't believe it and it makes me feel like I am imagining things. I can't wait to speak to her and if she confirms my suspicions, I will make plans to go somewhere else.

Now, I have to paint my living room and I should have been done already, but I had to vent!

I will post her response after I speak to her.

Thanks, again for the support.
Please call her and let her know that

#1: You measure your hair regularly and you know that it is shorter since your visit to her

#2: Tell her that you did hear the scissors, but you didn't think she was cutting your hair since the 2 of you had discussed it.

#3: Mention the extra $10

#4: Let her know that you don't appreciate it and feel like she had no right because it's not her hair.

#5: Let her know that you will not be returning to her.

AND, if you'd like to add this one:

#6: Tell her that jealousy shouldn't drive her to compromise her professionalism.
I agree with everything that Supergirl said, especially that last comment. How dare she cut your hair without your permission!! Go for the jugular when Miss Thing gets back from vacation and don't be shy about it.
OOOOH Weee, this is another post I couldn't waitto get home to respond to. I cannot beleive that mess. I would NEVER go back to her. First she does it after you specifically tell her not toand she agrees not to. And then she can't even cut your hair well !!!!! The nerve.
Let me get this straight...

She sneaked and cut your hair after you told her not to?


I'm a pretty even tempered person, but she would definitely lose a client and possibly gain a busted lip if that were me... The nerve of her!

[/ QUOTE ] That's so funny Sassy but I second the motion. It pains me to hear these stories.
I really hope it was simply a miscommunication. If she was trying to be deceitful and sneaky wouldn't the smart sneaky thing to do be not to charge you for it? Or am I just being naive? I find it hard to beleive that stylists would be motivated to harm their clients and therefore themselves by being jealous and vicious like this.

By the way, you say she's on vacation right? Well where she at?
I agree with Supergirl about confronting her about the problem but personally I would not ever go back to her again especially if she cut off my hard earned hair, even if it was only one to 1.5 of an inch. If she admits to cutting your hair, I wouldn't let her have my trust again even if it was 1.5 inches. It was wrong and you should get your money back. Keep us updated on what happens if you ask her about it.
<font color="brown">You know, it really infuriates me every time I read these stories about beauticians that are forcing trims on their clients! It just doesn't make any sense. They claim to be "professionals", but I can't think of any other segment of professionals that could get away with performing services that are not desired.

I mean, even physicians provide a consult before performing a procedure (whether it be elective or necessary). If you do not agree with the consult, you are even encouraged to get a second opinion. And even if you do concur with the consult, you often have a say in how the problem will be treated. You are given the pros and cons of each option, and YOU make the ultimate decision based on the guidance of the physician.

If you go to get your brows waxed, an esthetician will not wax your top lip or legs against your will just because they think it will look better - - and then charge you for it. Could you imagine going to a dentist for a simple cleaning, and while your eyes were closed they removed your prized gold tooth because they felt that it was not hygenic and just didn't like the way it looked - - and then they charge you for it?? Or how about a landscaper who was at your home to simply mow the lawn - - but decided to remove a few hedges that did not frame the house correctly (in his/her professional opinion), and then charged you for removal and disposal??

Now my examples may seem far fetched, but you get what I am trying to say. All of the actions that I described above are actually unethical, and most would not be able to hide behind "I'm a professional" in a court of law.

All I can say is that it JUST AIN'T RIGHT. I guess that is why Judge Judy and Judge Joe stay so busy . . .

Now regarding a beautician and her "professional opinion," I still don't think "forced" trims can be substantiated. If the "concern" is that you hair will suffer if you don't get regular trims, then these concerned beauticians shoud be just as diligent about the OVERALL health of your hair and adamantly refuse to do ANYTHING that would damage it (relaxing, blow drying, heat stlying, coloring, etc.). I mean, really!

AngieK (venting again) </font>
I am so sorry that happened to you. My old beautician would pull stunts like that...that is why I no longer go to her.

I fully believe that there is a conspiracy against customers who are trying to grow out their hair.
I know this sounds crazy but you are the consumer tell her that you will not be back until she can learn to follow instructions. You told her that your hair did not need a trim and she did not listen. Therefore you and your money will be going elsewhere.

Remember people going to and paying beauticians is what keeps them in business and losing customers because they can't or won't listen is a shame.
Uniquev11, I'm so sorry that happened to you.
I agree with SingingStar - you might be able to get a refund. I know that after my stylist burnt my scalp during my last touchup, I lodged a complaint with the salon's manager. Not only I am a getting a full refund, but the manager is compensating another service (not hair-related) I will be getting next week at the salon. The manager did this knowing that I would not be returning there for any hair services (it's a full service salon and their other professionals are fine - so far). It may be worth a shot. Good luck in whatever you decide to do.
High Priestess, I really hope it isn't jealousy. Also, do you do your own relaxer? If so, what type do use and what kind of results to you get?

SuperGirl, I love all your points especially number 6. I will let her know that I am very educated about my hair and I know when there have been any changes.

Kitkat, cutebajangirl, islandgirl, karonica, I can't wait to speak to her when she gets back because I really want to hear how she explains it.

Brooke007, I hope it was a miscommunication too. Maybe she assumed that because I cut it, I wouldn't mind if the "expert" went in and neatened things up. She still should have said something, though.

SingingStar12, I am planning my exit. I really don't think that beauticians take 1 or 1.5 inches that seriously. Maybe that is the problem.

AngieK, you bring home my feeling on it. I think its this "expert" versus amateur mentality.

AFashionSlave, I definitely feel that there is a lack of understanding from Black beauticians about growing hair long. I really don't think they think that our hair can get really long if its not already so they don't think twice about cutting it just to make it perfectly even.

karezone, although I didn't specifically say that I did not need a trim, I told her that I cut more than I usually do and she said okay as if there was an understanding.

Nyambura, that is a thought. She is the owner and it would be in her best interests to try to keep me as a customer. I'll see what she does.

In the meantime, I have to wait until next week to speak to her and I will post afterwards.

This is why i refuse to let a beautician cut my hair. I just don't trust them anymore.

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I didn't read the whole thread but had to respond to this. I won't let an unknown beautifician even trim my hair because they REFUSE to understand what a trim means. The funny this is that I was at the beauty supply and the Korean owner was VERY upset because she asked for a "trim" and the lady cut all of her hair off. So, apparently, black people aren't the only people suffering at the hand of cocky beauticians.