"Single's Week - Curb the Urge" by Elder G. Craig Lewis


Well-Known Member
The EX Daily Word for March 23, 2009

"Single's Week - Curb the Urge"

1Th. 5:22 Abstain from all appearance of evil.

Being single and abstinent can seem difficult these days because of
the "sexually" influenced things that we see and hear each day. But
being sexually active as a single just won't do in the Kingdom of God,
so there has to be a way to curb those urges. Being a virgin before
marriage is hardly promoted these days, so most singles in this day
have either been married before, or have been sexually active before.
Many single people feel that God understands the urges they have and
they should be able to get some every now and then to take the edge
off, because after all, God made sex a good thing right? Well, yes, it
is a good thing, but for married couples only. What you must do is
trace the urges back to the source. What you put into yourself is what
you desire for yourself. You must understand that if you are single,
movies that include sex scenes, songs that encourage making love or
lust, magazines/novels that you read, and television shows that portray
sexually active singles can play the villain when you are trying to
abstain. The devil uses these images and lyrics to feed the need in
your mind and awaken your sexuality.

I know many are saying, "it doesn't affect me". But for normal people
that buy hamburgers because they look good when you smell them or see
them on TV, or for people that buy nice clothes because you saw someone
wearing it and it looked good on them,
......what we see and hear affects us! I don't know about you,
but I can be influenced. And if you can be influenced by anything in
this life, then the media is playing a very big part in how you feel
about your sexuality. But God is wanting to influence us, and it's
simple. If you are watching Christian Television, reading Christian
literature, and surrounding yourself with Christians, then you will be
more influenced by godly things and people than the world. Thus, it
will be easier to abstain. Check your music! Songs about making love
are not for singles. Check your literature. Books by authors like
Terry McMillan or sexual "how to" literature like Essence magazine, or
even some Christian fiction books that graphically depict sex scenes
should be avoided. Check your movies! If you are planning to be an
abstinent single, you have to pick and choose your entertainment
carefully. You should avoid movies with nudity and sex scenes. Stop
stirring all that stuff up! Especially if you are a divorcee or
formerly promiscuous person that has been delivered. You have to keep
a tight rein on your mind and protect your spirit from the things that
tempt you. The good thing is that God can create a new heart and
transform you by renewing your mind! But, you have to change things so
that your mind and heart are guarded daily from the things that the
enemy wants to put in them.

Suggested Reading: Gal. 5:19, Eph. 5:3, Eph. 5:11, 1 John 2:16, Col.

This Daily Word is now a DVD. "The Power of One" A Message to Christian Singles
available at: http:www.exministries.com/po1.html

©2009 G. Craige Works All Rights Reserved

Need I say more!!!!
Good article ..

I'm laughin at him calling Essence sexual "how-to" literature though.. I stopped reading Essence partly because it was such a downer about men and relationships, enough to kill anyone's urges lol.
Amen. I can hear certain songs that make me call my husband home from work on his lunch break. If I were still single it would be just playing with fire and wondering why I was so hot!