Shoulder Length Challenge #2

Im in! Im already pass SL in the back...however I would like all of my hair to reach shoulder length. I am also in the hide your hair till xmas challenge....however I NEED to update in order to keep myself motivated, so I will update with you all
Count me in too. I was on the other challeng too but I guess I didnt realize it ended. I think I need about 2 inches more for my longest layer to be shoulder length in the back. Im pushing for SL by my birthday. I have noticed some breakage even though I have been taking better care of my hair. I let a beautician get her hands in it and she truly killed my hair. I went in for a wrap and she told me my new growth was too thick to wrap wet (even though I was only 5 weeks post and had less than a 1/2"). So then she decides to blowdry it straight, THEN she takes flat iron and straightens it, TRIMS IT (even though she had trimmed 1-2" off 5 weeks before when I had gotten my relaxer) THEN she curled it with a flat iron again to style it. :confused: Just killed my hair for no reason. And the style only lasted 2 days. I was so unhappy. And she didnt do a good job trimming cause now its uneven and I have a lot of strands extra long. :mad: Jut a mess. So now I am a little set back and I hope the damage isnt too bad I cannot do another BC.
I'm joining this one... I'm almost shoulder length...but I've had some set backs with breakage in the kitchen (nape) so it looks kinda thin in the I'm working on getting that section back on track...I've been growing and trimming for thickness in this area. So maybe by october it will be full shoulder length.. But any ladies with any ideas that can help me with breakage in the nape please feel free to let me know your ideas!
hi ladies here is the list and you have to tell everyone what is going on with that hair on 7/29/06.That will be our check in date.

Ivy Hair
red Riot

I just want y'all to remember to have fun
I'm back to square one! I got a touch up today and asked the stylist to TRIM my ends... Can someone please tell me why my hair is how a little past my ears??? I was expecting to see some more growth and now I have to start all over! I'm so upset....
bonedacious99 said:
I'm back to square one! I got a touch up today and asked the stylist to TRIM my ends... Can someone please tell me why my hair is how a little past my ears??? I was expecting to see some more growth and now I have to start all over! I'm so upset....

I'm sorry to hear that.
But It will grow back just hang in there.
The other day my sister came to see me and I took down one of my braids to show her the length that I have gained. To my surprise she was in aaw of my progress. She told me that she considers my hair to be shoulder length. I was proud to hear her say this b/c I haven't been shoulder length since childhood. It just goes to show that anything is possible. I think that I will most definitely be at a full shoulder length by December. I thought I would give you all just a little update on my progress.
So far I am happy with my progress. I think my monthly growth increased due to the summer season and with me washing my hair more frequently. I am unsure now when I will reach shoulder length. It may be sooner than I think or still in Dec. 2006. My one year anniversary is coming up in August so I'll update my siggy picture when that times comes.

I hope everyone is doing well with their challenge. I can't wait to hear about everyone's progress!!! :)
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Checking in before plove got me. *snicker*

Still washing my hair twice weekly and moisturizing as needed with my surge mix. I need a professional cut to even things up, but that should not interfere with my goal. I think I will get .75 of an inch this month, but I have this area just behind my crown that either grows slowly or has breakage...I cannot figure out which or why.
Im inching closer and closer to shoulder length. My longest layer is grazing/touching my back now. If my sides can reach shoulder length by Dec. I will be very happy. I am nearly 10 weeks post and proud and will not be getting a relaxer until Im 13 weeks post right before I go back to school. This is the longest I have ever purposely stretched my hair and Im loving it! Im just worried that my stylist will trim off all of my growth (I only have an inch :() and I will have gained no progress.
Well the back areas are a bit past shoulder, and the front is trying its best to catch up, bless its little heart. It'll make it hopefully by Dec. I have an area of breakage that I'm still trying to grow, hopefully that'll catch up in time as well...I want at least two more inches by the end of the year.
I really want to press my hair to see how much growth I've gotten but I promised myself no heat until August 14 (BC anniversary!) ...I'm probably not going to think about heat until end of September or so.

I'm also taking Nioxin to aid in my growth and deep conditioning every other day or so for ultimate moisture. I've been on Nioxin since the end of May and I know some people say they notice results duiring the 3rd month of usage. Hopefully, I'll start to see some results soon!

Anyway, I've been dealing with a few issues and maybe somebody can help me out - the main one is finding a good leave in. I have been using the tresemme leave in and it's good but I think I want something heavier. Any suggestions?
I'd like to join in on this challenge, if it's not too late. :look:

I'm in need of a good trim, which would probably put my hair at neck length.

My hair is uneven, especially in the back on the right side. I have an itchy spot there that always looses hair. Luckily, the back of my hair grows fast.

The front of my hair is at chin length. I was on the crown and glory challenge, but when I last took out my braids, I was left with no edges on my front sides, once again.

I'm starting a new regimen tonight, so hopefully, I'll have great progress by December.
Nymphe said:
Checking in before plove got me. *snicker*

Still washing my hair twice weekly and moisturizing as needed with my surge mix. I need a professional cut to even things up, but that should not interfere with my goal. I think I will get .75 of an inch this month, but I have this area just behind my crown that either grows slowly or has breakage...I cannot figure out which or why.

:lol: girl I was coming for you.

I'm still in braids and I know I'm SL but to me it's not there.
i haven't made much progress unfortunately. I did a small self trim a few weeks ago when i relaxed. My ends are still crispy and breaking :( I did an apoghee treatment and that helped a teeny tiny bit. I may just have to gradually cut those 2-3 inches off.

However, for some reason, people keep telling me it looks like its growing and it looks healthy :) . my growth has slowed down since i had to stop taking msm because my face was breaking out horribly.

that said, i really don't see me making shoulder by December but thats okay:)
I updated my fotki today...had to put my password back on because of rude comments my link and password are in my profile. :)
PittiPat said:
I'd like to join in on this challenge, if it's not too late. :look:

I'm in need of a good trim, which would probably put my hair at neck length.

My hair is uneven, especially in the back on the right side. I have an itchy spot there that always looses hair. Luckily, the back of my hair grows fast.

The front of my hair is at chin length. I was on the crown and glory challenge, but when I last took out my braids, I was left with no edges on my front sides, once again.

I'm starting a new regimen tonight, so hopefully, I'll have great progress by December.

No it's not to late welcome to the challenge PittiPat
Ladies we have four months to go, check in on the 29 of this month.
Happy growing Ladies:)
count me in. i want shoulder length sooooo bad. im at neck length right now. but not all the way around. the sides are 2 or 3 inches below my ear. i want 4 more inches. im gonna give myself two years for me to get to shoulder length. i know that seems like a long time but my hair grows reallllllllllllllllly slow. i plan on keeping it simple by wearing a wig. moisturizing everyday and deep conditioning every week. and also having a healthy diet.
I'm in! Technically I am below shoulder length when my hair is straight, but I want shoulder length natural!

Hair Iam

Check in time
How are we doing ladies

As for me I think I'm in the same place I was last month
make me want to get a :beer5:
but it's :naughty: when the kids are home.
Ha! I am very early this time, but the coming cold weather will make me slip, as usual.

The longest section in the back feels like it is shoulder length, but I am not quite sure. The front is barely touching my chin, stretched. I really need to get my 'fro shaped up. I am going to set an appointment with the Aveda school. If you could see how uneven my stuff is, you would be nagging me to get that cut. :lol:
I am making progress due to new growth. I will be 10 weeks post relaxer this thursday. I am hoping that this stretch will bring me to brushing shoulder, if not, at shoulder. I plan on stretching until the end of September - depends on the managebility of the new growth.

Happy Growing Ladies!
I know I'm late :ohwell:, but I will like to join this challenge. I am at neck right now and was hoping to be at shoulder length by January but hopefully I can be there by December. Sounds realistic :D .