Shaving your head!

Can hair change textures?

  • Yes

    Votes: 13 76.5%
  • No

    Votes: 2 11.8%
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Active Member
I've shaved my head three times in the last 6 years and I feel like after each time my hair texture changed ever so slightly. There isn't a huge difference, I'm probably the only one who can tell.

The first time I did it my hair was very course and hard with no definition, definitely 4b. I did it a second time about a year and a half later and my hair was a little softer with more definition. Then I did it again about one year after that and it changed to 4a (a looser curl) with even more definition.

I'm currently relaxed. I have been for the last two years, and my new growth has tons of definition. When I'm due for a relaxer and I put my hair in a pony tail with some Jam, I have waves (that has never happened before).

I'm not sure if this is just my imagination or could my hair have actually changed textures.

Has anyone esle had this experience?
Well, I never shaved my head before, but it does seem like my new growth comes out however it feels like coming out. I wouldn't see my virgin hair is consistent.

One thing I have realized is that your hair texture changes as it grows longer, so you can't really tell your texture by TWA.
i had the same experience i shaved several times but i think in my case it was scab hair meaning the hair affected by the chemicals that was growing right after could not be combed was very dry and harsh and no matter what i did no amount of product i could not do anything and it took me several cuts and then i noticed that all the new hair that s was coming a year after i shaved for the last time is a slightly different texture not the one i seen all these years while perming when i had new growth. its not as coarse i can manage it, i can comb it if i want to but i dont use combs nor brushes just my fingers. but now on top of the new hair that is not scab hair any other texture alterations is due to vitamins, msm or bigen rinses that elongate my shrinkage lol;)
wow, you shaved your head! I saw this lady in a store once and her hair was BEAUTIFUL! She had a shaven head also and it was lovely! Congrats on your growth since your relaxer....please share b/c that's some amazing growth btw. My twa is giving me h*** it seems and this Thursday I plan on getting it cut even lower, maybe even shaven if I am bold enough. we'll see.
Hair can change for a number of reasons, wether you shave it or not.

In my case, chemo changed my hair texture. (some heart medications also can do this though you won't lose your hair as with most chemo treatments)

Many here have experienced hair texture changes with MSM.

I believe it can change but not because of shaving. Our bodies are ever changing as we age. I believe that's why hair texture changes. Just like when we were babies, our hair texture was totally different then than what it is like now. ;)
I've expeirence something similar but I didn't shave my head...

I'm growing out my hair for what feels like the 10th time in my life and my new growth (I mean it's two months worth of growth) and I can't tell the difference between my virgin hair and my texturized hair). At first I was worried because I thought that it meant my hair hadn't grown but then it was pressed and I realized how much it had grown. This new hair has definitely got me convinced that I'm gonna stay nappy.
I stated that it depends. Like in the case if you have experienced chemotherapy. I know a lady who had breast cancer and had undergone chemo. She said that her hair came back finer and wavy. Her original hair was like a 4a. When her hair shed/cut and grew back it returned like a 3b/3c.

I didn't actually shave my hair but I did use clippers. It was like Jamie Foxx peach fuzz/ barely there hair cut. I did it in October 2003 (wrong time!!!! can we say chilly?) Nevertheless, I wore a quick weave until it was long enough to have hair sewn in. I had this "grand" idea that if I cut all of my hair off that it would grow back one length. Instead it grew back into layers (mind you this was before I came to LHCF). Currently, I am about three inches from brastrap (should have been bra strap a while back but you know how we do :lol: ). It was a good experience though.
Hair texture definitely changes as you grow older, have children, change your diet, have health challenges, etc. Our skin changes, parts sag and wrinkle, etc. so why not our hair too.

As far as shaving. I've kojaked a few times and shaved down to a whisper of hair several times as well. I think every woman who can SHOULD experience being liberated from hair for a bit (india, demi, natalie portman, erykah...patient1..LOL) In this case the texture change can be EVER SO SLIGHTLY effected by HOW you shave your head. I.e. with or against the grain and how low. If you shave with the grain or follow the growth the hair feels finer and softer as it grows in. If you shave AGAINST the grain or growth pattern the hair feels coarser as it comes in. Think about shaving your legs vs. waxing or nairing. But the texture itself has not been changed, just how the new growth feels.

Also, how one treats their hair as it grows in can have some effect on how the texture feels. Do you baby your scalp making fertile ground for your new hair OR do you just get up and go? Were you supplementing or eating differently in the weeks prior to the shave?

Finally, what was going on prior to the shave? Scalp penetrating services involving chemicals may have effected the underlying hair that emerges in the days following the shave.

Re: texture change

I can testify to a change in texture dure to chemotherapy. I had 4a possibly 4b in some places and after chemo my hair is mostly 3b with the exception of the area in the front that never fell out due to chemo, it is still wild 4a/4b.

Ocassionally still, my hair will come out due to my lupus and it grows back straight and baby fine-closer to 3a. The downside to this whole thing is that I will probably never have hair all one length because it comes out occassionally but, the up side is it just keeps getting prettier when is does grow back.:look: :lachen:
Re: texture change

Ive never had chemicals in my hair, and when i first shaved it off in march it was my regular course brittle hair, now when i cut it (im on my 5th cut, i could actually cut it weekly, but i just don't have the money, so i wait), it waves up like no bodies business on the top, and its like a 4a/lose almost straight in the back. And if i leave it for a month it curls/coils up