Sharing my weird hair journey! (Pic heavy Blog)


After seeing blog and blogs of hair porn, I finally decided to make a Blogger account just for the sake of doing this. Im really excited to share my hair since its not all choppy anymore.
Im also excited to share the pics of my temporary dreads cuz that's a style I never see on other people, so I thought it may spark some ideas. :yep:

Well here we go. Take a peak. :drunk: Dont judge my faces. :drunk: lol


I mostly use home mixtures. Natural oils. The only man made products I use are Aohogee, S-curl, and Pantene conditioners and moisturizers, and Cantu Shea butter when I feel like buying it. I also use lock gels for twists. My hairs mostly in twists, braidouts and messy updos.
What a lovely journey. Thanks for sharing. I'm not that brave to do all those colors but you pulled it off.
What a lovely journey. Thanks for sharing. I'm not that brave to do all those colors but you pulled it off.

Hehe thanks. I wasnt brave at all. I hate bleaching my hair I hate the feeling of cutting it, but I sucked it up and realized that if I wanted a certain look, I was going to have to face repercussions of looking good.

I just kept saying what everyone tells me. "It will grow back. It will grow back." Lol XD
Thank you for sharing your journey.

You have some skroong hair :lol: if I had colored my hair that many times, flat ironed with Vaseline and manipulated my hair like that, I would have stayed in a twa :lachen:

Love the faces. Why not? Live, Laugh and Love.
Cool photos! You remind me of the fun I used to have with my hair back in the day - long before the internet and HHJ. :) I love the Afro-Punk photos by the way.
Girl I used to use vaseline to flat iron my hair too! Flat ironed every day.

But your hair has indeed gone through quite an adventure. But it looks like you had plenty of fun :grin:
Wow! Quite a trip you and your hair have been on. It was nice seeing the transformation. Goth chick/steam punk look really cool with natural hair.
Nice progress. For the temp dread look, you can do palm rolls.
I tried that a few times. But it never holds. :( Slightly tangling seems it gives it some hold and a more believable dread.

Gurl you crazy....I love it! Hahaha.....what length is your hair now?

Im mid back length now. Its like a never ending journey! :pyro:

Thanks everyone for your comments! :) If you have any tips to leave me for passing mid back length, please do. Its hard to grow hair when you dont like doing updos and your hair is constantly brushing your shoulders.

Should I just suck it up or IS there a way?