**LONG** I want a hair twin too! Help me pick my product guys! **PIC HEAVY**

I was gonna post this to my blog but I can't cuz theres too many pics
I am a bit dissatisfied with my previous hair product choices...
Could you guys look at my pics and tell me what product I should get next? I'm not gonna say too much about each but can yall just tell me what you think by what you see?
I want to try out these qhuemet, KCC, curlz, shampoo bar online organic things that aren't in stores by me... I know it'll sink me $20 or so cuz I want something quality... So I really need to make the right decision early on LOL. Here is my hair past this should help (oh don't laugh at the visible weight gain LOL):

2000-2007: Avid Beeswax user...




straight (yes I used beezwax)


Then I fell in love with mousse cuz I thought I was white LOL

Scrunched ponytail


mousse wash n go

dry dry dry twist out with mousse LOL

dry dry dry flexis with mousse LOL

And now with LHCF I've been using things like mane n tail, cantu shea butter cream, castor oil, raw shea butter, and glycerine... Which has given me moisture, while my hair is wet... when I dry like 2 days later, I'm still dry, and the products aren't doing what I want... I hear such good things about other stuff and I know my hair is not reaching its full potential...



other bun

back of bun

a bun after 2 days of being dry and squirting water and all that stuff I put up there...

So like... I want my hair to have that nice slip, lasting moisture, softness... I know it can do it I just think I haven't found the right product
Shea butter slicks my edges down great, but it stinks and its too sticky to use all over, leaves my hair weighed
Castor oil makes me itch and I think gives me a slight headache? My hair is quite shiny after though...
Cantu shea leave in changed their formula... I'm pissed...
Mane n tail has increased growth and adds protein but I'm not too concerned with that part, cuz I see it happening...
Shea and castor oil are great for adding to DC but I can't DC too often or I get stretchy...
I just want my hair to FEEL BETTER, more moisturized, not heavy, light but not dry, not sticky, and none of that stretchy over conditioned... and NOT DRIPPING ON MY SHOULDER lol
I am cool with the mane n tail I'm keeping that for the growth, and the shea butter for the edges... What else do yall suggest?
help help help
where are u twin I need you???
Thanks in advance guys
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thanks ladies u guys are wonderful
but it did the stretchy thing and its dry! I can just style good its really dry... i think it could be better... and look at my wet neck... ARGH I HATE THE WET NECK!!!
please organic online product girls helpy welpy...
Your hair looks good! You have hair type 3?
If so do a search on type 3 and find members that have the same hair type and what products they use. You could also visit some fotki albums to find what products people with your hair type use.
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It sounds like you need to regularly incorporate protein so that your hair won't get so stretchy. That will also help you retain moisture. You may want to try one of the popular protein treatments like aphigee 2 min or Aubrey's gpb. I found aubrey's white camellia to be a great moisture conditioner but it may be too much for your strands. Anyway, your hair reminds me of curly Nikki's, maybe you should check out her regimen (www.curlynikki.com). Also the 3c forum on naturallycurly.com may be some help as well.
i tried the aphogee and it got really hard and dry after that... what is this aubrey you speak of? whats it make ur hair feel like?

I meant Aubrey Organics. The GPB stands for glycogen protein balancing. It's a great light protein and it's organic and "natural". It may be better for you than the aphogee, but be sure to follow it with a moisturizing conditioner. I think vitacost.com is where people get them for cheap. Go check out the aubrey's website, it may help you decide which of their conditioners you want to try. Just stay away from the shampoos.

Eta: the gpb made my hair feel more resilient...not stronger necessarily...but like it wouldn't strtch so much or break easily. The white camellia conditioner made my hair feel luscious, just soft and fluffy and kind of thicker. I think with continued use of both in my regimen my hair will only get better.
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Your hair in that 1st and 2nd pic really reminds me of my own hair. I'm not sure if we're hair twins or not! I know that silicones dry my hair out terribly! My hair much like yours would be so moisturized when wet...but so dry afterwards. I cut out silicones and my hair has thanked me for it. I don't think silcones are bad...they just don't do it for my hair.

I use Aubrey Organics HSR for deep conditions and my co-washes...and my haiR loves it!

I don't shampoo, often that also drives my hair crazy.

Hairveda products work wonders on my hair.

I have fine but dense stands...and they are weighed down easily..by things like castor oil or heavy butters.

I only moisturize and seal 3x a week..anything more makes my hair heavy!

DELICIOUS... that is on my list for consideration. I love you for your patience with my long post LOL
anyone else please? I feel like I'm doctor shopping LOL lookin for a bunch of different opinions
We aren't hair twins...my hair is more of a 3c and my ends stay curly...but I wonder if coconut oil will work for you to seal? That holds moisture for me, and my hair rarely goes dry.
Your hair in that 1st and 2nd pic really reminds me of my own hair. I'm not sure if we're hair twins or not! I know that silicones dry my hair out terribly! My hair much like yours would be so moisturized when wet...but so dry afterwards. I cut out silicones and my hair has thanked me for it. I don't think silcones are bad...they just don't do it for my hair.

I use Aubrey Organics HSR for deep conditions and my co-washes...and my haiR loves it!

I don't shampoo, often that also drives my hair crazy.

Hairveda products work wonders on my hair.

I have fine but dense stands...and they are weighed down easily..by things like castor oil or heavy butters.

I only moisturize and seal 3x a week..anything more makes my hair heavy!


hmmmm looking for your fotki... if not twins maybe we're hair sisters? I dunno im gonna check i love your hair!
and thanks for the product list!
We aren't hair twins...my hair is more of a 3c and my ends stay curly...but I wonder if coconut oil will work for you to seal? That holds moisture for me, and my hair rarely goes dry.

My back ends stay curled, the front i think will always be heat damaged... or stretched out permanently from head bands/ trying to get the roots flat? I hope my ends stay curled like urs one day I love urs...
does castor oil mess u up?
I just want my hair to FEEL BETTER, more moisturized, not heavy, light but not dry, not sticky, and none of that stretchy over conditioned... and NOT DRIPPING ON MY SHOULDER lol
I am cool with the mane n tail I'm keeping that for the growth, and the shea butter for the edges... What else do yall suggest?
help help help
where are u twin I need you???
Thanks in advance guys

The product that I recommend nowadays (that I feel does everything you're asking for--at least it does for my hair) is: Africa's Best Liquid Hair Mayo leave-in.

I learned about this product on the board years ago and I really feel people are sleeping on how fabulous this product is. Plus, it's inexpensive. This is one of my hair staples. :yep: