Seventh Day adventist

taivillo said:
I was in my girlfriends wedding and your parents were there. Her name is Robin Gellineau. She lives in Tenn., Nashville I was so happy to see your dad. I've always admired him through the years. I took a pic with him. If I can find it I will post it so you can see it.

Awww. That's so sweet! DAd would love to hear that. I'm sure he enjoyed taking that picture. After all these years, he still the same peopel loving person he always was. I was at the wedding Hubby and I moved here from NAshville June '03. Carlin use to be our choir director till he decided to do something different. Were you at Robins Shower at Mark & Sherrie's house? I was there. I so miss NAshville.
Question for all:

How do you feel about hymns? I am praise team leader at our church. The format for the past two years has been 4 praise team songs and 1 opening hymn.

Now, a few people want 1 Sabbath a month to be all hymns. OK. Cool.
I still don't like it. But I can go with the flow.

Now, one person wants 3 Sabbaths out of the month to be 4 hymns and 1 praise & worship song. Of course, I about had a heart attack. I doubt this motion will pass in the church but the thought of it was like "I wouldn't even want to go to this church to sit through that."

Mind you, I love my church. I am a founding member. My DH sits on the board. And I even delivered the message on more than one occasion.

But I can't stand most hymns. I don't like the music. I think they are very Euro-centric and I don't feel anything when I sing most of them. Now I'm not talking all the songs in the hymnal b/c they're are some non hymns in the Adventist hymnal.

Other Adventist look at me like I'm crazy for not liking hymns. Like I'm betraying the church or something. How do you guys feel about hymns? Do you feel its part of the whole experience of being Adventist? Or is just a preference?
Wow, I go away and there's a zillion more pages...So Diva are we going to do a meet and greet on Sabbath?
natalied said:
Question for all:

How do you feel about hymns? I am praise team leader at our church. The format for the past two years has been 4 praise team songs and 1 opening hymn.

Now, a few people want 1 Sabbath a month to be all hymns. OK. Cool.
I still don't like it. But I can go with the flow.

Now, one person wants 3 Sabbaths out of the month to be 4 hymns and 1 praise & worship song. Of course, I about had a heart attack. I doubt this motion will pass in the church but the thought of it was like "I wouldn't even want to go to this church to sit through that."

Mind you, I love my church. I am a founding member. My DH sits on the board. And I even delivered the message on more than one occasion.

But I can't stand most hymns. I don't like the music. I think they are very Euro-centric and I don't feel anything when I sing most of them. Now I'm not talking all the songs in the hymnal b/c they're are some non hymns in the Adventist hymnal.

Other Adventist look at me like I'm crazy for not liking hymns. Like I'm betraying the church or something. How do you guys feel about hymns? Do you feel its part of the whole experience of being Adventist? Or is just a preference?

I like a fair number of hymns, but you are right. They can be kinda boring. How about 2 and 2? Pick more intersting hymns and then maybe everyone will be happy for the most part.

I think hymns are definately an important part of the Adventist worship experience, but not the only important part. I like a balanced service where the types of music are mixed so everyone can be blessed.There is plenty of other music out there that enahces the worship expereince. Plus not everyone can relate to hymns. When I attended PFA Iwas in the choir all 4 years and we sang hymns, anthems and spirituals. what I loved about that experience was singing the different arrangements of the hymns. The harmony and all the different parts. So, to be honest, I actually would rather hear and sing hymns that have been arranged into a more interesting presentation.

I have to go now becaue I have a splitting headache and need to take something. I don't know how much sense what I wrote aboe makes. I hope you can understand what I was trying to say, cause right now, I'm not sure I can. I'll try to explain myself better later.
No I did not attend Robin's shower. I flew in the Friday of the wedding and I attended church and the rehersal. I was in her speech choir. Robin actually called me yesterday. I have to call her back . Small world :)
taivillo said:
Hello SDA checking in. I hope I am not to late. I am sooooo excited we are all one happy family connected through someone we know. I know Joe , Lilli, and Nancy Howell very well. I also Remember Prez Earle as Prez back in the day. I remember IDA Williams Sec of Conference for years. I once worked at the conference when I was in college. My best friend Natalied told me about this thread and I could not wait to get on to meet my Sis in Christ. :)
This is a great thread. I use to come to Kingsboro alot. My sisters and I last sang there in April 2002. Love the church.
I know Carnetta from Corona church. I also know the Bell family. I'm not sure if they are still there but wow.
I know Jackie and Joceylyn Williams.
I attended PFA 89-90.
This is truly a small world. I always wondered if there were some other SDA sistas on this forum.

The Bell's still attend, Easton Bell anyway. His parents moved to Ohio earlier this year.
natalied said:
Question for all:

How do you feel about hymns? I am praise team leader at our church. The format for the past two years has been 4 praise team songs and 1 opening hymn.

Now, a few people want 1 Sabbath a month to be all hymns. OK. Cool.
I still don't like it. But I can go with the flow.

Now, one person wants 3 Sabbaths out of the month to be 4 hymns and 1 praise & worship song. Of course, I about had a heart attack. I doubt this motion will pass in the church but the thought of it was like "I wouldn't even want to go to this church to sit through that."

Mind you, I love my church. I am a founding member. My DH sits on the board. And I even delivered the message on more than one occasion.

But I can't stand most hymns. I don't like the music. I think they are very Euro-centric and I don't feel anything when I sing most of them. Now I'm not talking all the songs in the hymnal b/c they're are some non hymns in the Adventist hymnal.

Other Adventist look at me like I'm crazy for not liking hymns. Like I'm betraying the church or something. How do you guys feel about hymns? Do you feel its part of the whole experience of being Adventist? Or is just a preference?

For me I like both. It really depends on how you sing the hymns. It can be lively or very dreary. If you sing the hymns with some praise and worship tone it can be very good, especially if you have multiple instruments. At Corona we don't have a drumset yet, but we have a very expensive keyboard piano (it looks like a grand piano but it's really a key board). The keyboard can play all different types of sounds. We've got a great pianist who can make you Jam to some hymns when he uses different sounds and techniques.

I do like the hymns for some of the messages that they give, such as the Sabbath hymns explaining why we worship on Sabbath. I do believe that an Adventist church should sing hymns because they are a part of who we are as adventist, now that does not mean that you need to completely replace praise and worship because I love me some praise and worship. I wish my church would do more praise and worship, and we are getting there. Caranetta often does the praise and worship. Anyway I think it's truly how the congregation sings during the hymns and how the choral director directs it. I say maybe you can incorporate hymns into your praise and worship do some of each so that both parties can be satisfied.
hOnii said:
the names dont ring a bell. what church do they go to?

I'm not sure. They are in the Tampa/St. Pete area so I just though I'd ask. One more couple is Faith Weir Felder and Eddie Felder. She's a doctor in Tampa.
kisz4tj said:
Wow, I go away and there's a zillion more pages...So Diva are we going to do a meet and greet on Sabbath?

Yup! Yup! Yup! I betta set the alarm. I'll be wearing braids... you've seen my album. More than likely I'll be sitting in the back row as I have the boy.... :)
I know Eddie Felder and the whole Felder family. I did not know he and his wife moved to Florida. I heard Thommy is in D.C.
taivillo said:
I know Eddie Felder and the whole Felder family. I did not know he and his wife moved to Florida. I heard Thommy is in D.C.

Yep. They have been there for years. You know, I forgot about! Eddie and Thommy's cousin Janice is my girl. All at OC back in the day. Man oh man.
Just wanted to say Happy Sabbath everyone! Have blessed fellowship during these hours. Now, I'm off to finish gettin' ready.
I am very interested in learning more about the SDA faith. Could somone go into a little deeper about the dietary laws and the reason why people (women) should not wear jewlery or make-up.

Besides those beleifs stated above, what makes you all different from the Baptist faith? I am watching one of the recorded services from Kingsboro Temple and it seems very much like my church, and I am Baptist.

Thanks, I am looking forward to learning more.

TransitioningK said:
I am very interested in learning more about the SDA faith. Could somone go into a little deeper about the dietary laws and the reason why people (women) should not wear jewlery or make-up.

Besides those beleifs stated above, what makes you all different from the Baptist faith? I am watching one of the recorded services from Kingsboro Temple and it seems very much like my church, and I am Baptist.

Thanks, I am looking forward to learning more.


well, i for one wear jewelry and make-up, so i cant really say anything about that.

SDA's observe the seventh day as the sabbath as stated in the bible and so we arent supposed to engage in "wordly things" from sundown friday to sunset saturday. its hard.. but hey.

sda's also believe that when you die, you do not go straight to heaven, you stay in the ground, until Jesus comes. then you are judged along with those who are still living (as to going to heaven or hell).

sda's dont eat pork, or certain seafoods. i cant recall the exact wording on the seafood issue.
Hi TransitioningK! :wave:
I too wear jewelry and makeup, but I abide by the dietary laws as written in Leviticus 11:1-47. Here is the link. Most Adventists do not wear jewelry or makeup as they have interpreted from 1 Peter 3:3. Here's the link peter 3:1-4;&version=51; Hope this helps!

TransitioningK said:
I am very interested in learning more about the SDA faith. Could somone go into a little deeper about the dietary laws and the reason why people (women) should not wear jewlery or make-up.

Besides those beleifs stated above, what makes you all different from the Baptist faith? I am watching one of the recorded services from Kingsboro Temple and it seems very much like my church, and I am Baptist.

Thanks, I am looking forward to learning more.

It was nice meeting you, Kisz4tj!!! Girl, the concert was wonderful... It was a tribute to gospel music. I sure do hope they have it available on video or dvd. They sang all of my old gospel favorites.. "Lord, I Love you", "There is no way I can live without you", "Don't wait 'til the battle is over, shout now!", "Oh Happy Day"... and the list goes on. It was sooo spiritually uplifting. I need to re-join the youth choir... now called "Exhaltation Ministries".

AJamericanDiva said:
Yup! Yup! Yup! I betta set the alarm. I'll be wearing braids... you've seen my album. More than likely I'll be sitting in the back row as I have the boy.... :)
TransitioningK said:
I am very interested in learning more about the SDA faith. Could somone go into a little deeper about the dietary laws and the reason why people (women) should not wear jewlery or make-up.

Besides those beleifs stated above, what makes you all different from the Baptist faith? I am watching one of the recorded services from Kingsboro Temple and it seems very much like my church, and I am Baptist.

Thanks, I am looking forward to learning more.

Hi TransitioningK,

There was a post earlier on this thread with our 27 Beliefs, they are all biblically based. Look for the post earlier on this thread.

I hope that helps.
TransitioningK said:
Thanks ladies.

The link for the childrens choir is not a direct one. Do you know what date it was held?

The Youth Choir link is above. Click it and then a page comes up saying Youth something or the other. On that page you see a pic that says "Click on picture to view KBT Youth Choir 5th Anniversary" It isn't the children's choir, but teen up until 30's or so.... yeah, we 30 somethings still hang with the youth choir.
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AJamericanDiva said:
It was nice meeting you, Kisz4tj!!! Girl, the concert was wonderful... It was a tribute to gospel music. I sure do hope they have it available on video or dvd. They sang all of my old gospel favorites.. "Lord, I Love you", "There is no way I can live without you", "Don't wait 'til the battle is over, shout now!", "Oh Happy Day"... and the list goes on. It was sooo spiritually uplifting. I need to re-join the youth choir... now called "Exhaltation Ministries".

Hey Diva, it truly was great to meet you and your family. Who woulda thought we'd meet at church ;) Lil Papa is just DELICIOUS. I'm sure the concert was off the hook. I've thought about joining the choir. I guess I'm too intimidated. I'm a contralto. I've gotta peep that link.
Hey Ladies,

I'm going to Dallas this weekend for a convention, does anyone know of a good SDA church to attend while I'm there??

Thanks in advance :).
RabiaElaine said:
Hey Ladies,

I'm going to Dallas this weekend for a convention, does anyone know of a good SDA church to attend while I'm there??

Thanks in advance :). Don't know why the adress and phone number are not on the web page. This is the only church I have been to in Dallas. Even though it has been several years since I was there, I remember that the service was good.


Actually, the address and phone number are on the contact us page.
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good2uuuu said: Don't know why the adress and phone number are not on the web page. This is the only church I have been to in Dallas. Even though it has been several years since I was there, I remember that the service was good.


Actually, the address and phone number are on the contact us page.

Thanks so much girl!!