Scissors Challenge!! Help Me!!!!


New Member
I have a problem with scissors.My current hair length is mid back.The longest length my hair has been in mid waist but everytime I get it mid waist I cut it and I cut it big like 3-4 inches then I'll grow 2 inches and cut it.I keep it at mid back length.I want it waist length but I would have to stop cutting it.I just cut an inch off my last relaxer. I'm tempted to cut it again but I always end up getting a stylist who falls in love with my hair type and length and won't cut it.If they don't cut it I'll still find a way to chop it off at home.I need help with this.Does anyone else have this problem?
I'd say give someone else your scissors so that you can't. :)
Is it just that your hair becomes to much to deal with? Is that what propels you?
Actually that may be it or may be I'm taking advantage of the fact that it grows right back.Most of the time I think my ends look bad so that's the reason I give for cutting them but the stylist, my mom and my sister claim that my ends are fine before I cut my hair and cutting my ends would be an inch or 2 not 4inches.This is why I'm asking for help.
Maybe the trick is to put your ends away, out of sight, so you won't see them and be tempted to cut them - especially if everyone else thinks they look fine. A protective style like a bun will not only protect your ends (assuming you're starting off with healthy ends and continue to moisturize and condition them) but will allow your hair to grow, uninterrupted. What do you think?
I have this problem too!!! Im telling you I have cut my hair so much and my hair is not even as long as yours. Mine is still grazing my shoulders but my problem is, I always fear that my hair is breaking off even when its not - and I always start cutting it myself in the mirror. Its a real serious problem because now I feel like I set myself back about 3 months from the way and the amount of times I've held a scissors to my head.

I need help also
Me too ...... I need help bad ...... I'm always cutting my hair b/c I
dont want my ends to look unhealthy or uneven. I cut my ends even
when they are not split. Its a sad sick addiction! Help ME! :drunk:
I used to have this problem but wearing buns and other protective styles has really curbed it for me. After wearing a bun for weeks at a time, I see more length and that inspires me to hold off on cutting.
I'm in the process of fixing that problem too! I started lurking around on this website beginning of March... but by March 17, relaxer time, and i gave myself 1/2" trim at home and got a 1/2" trim at the salon. Why, I DON'T KNOW, cuz I had another 1/2" six weeks before. I kept trimming because I'm afraid of getting split ends... I joined LHCF and then 6 weeks post, I gave myself yet another trim... couldn't control it!!!! I've done that for MONTHS now... gosh, that's why i'm right at this same doggone length.

Join the Trim Strech Challenge and keep your ends moisturized and stay away from the scissors... i'm really trying to see how long I can go without getting a trim... at least FOUR MONTHS. it's gonna be hard, but i have to do it.
This is great :) I knew someone else had this problem except me.Let's take the challenge that we will not cut our hair until it reaches our goal length and if we feel the need to cut our hair we'll come back to this thread for some support and encouragement not to go through with cutting it.Now, lets all list our goal length.

My goal is waist length.I don't know by when b/c I have to take it relaxer by relaxer. :ohwell:
Just found out there was a Trim Stretch Challenge Thread that was started a little bit before mine.I think I'll join that challenge since it was posted first and its basically the same thing.