Relaxing only the edges?


New Member
I'm 12 weeks post touch up and I can't really afford a relaxer right now. My hair is in good condition at this point and when I do my rollersets you can't really even tell I need a retouch with the exception of the edges, nape and where I part my bang. I would actually love to go another 12 weeks but my edges looks so nappy and when my hair is curled it's not long enough to hide my nape. I'm going to a concert on tuesday and I want to look cute sooo.... I was thinking that I could relax only my hairline that way I would look like I got a fresh touch up but at the same time I can save money and stretch longer. Any advice?

I broke my collar bone length hair off 5 years ago by self relaxing (haven't even made it back to shoulder length since then) and I haven't done it in years, that's why I don't want to do my whole head, at least at the edges it a little easier to tell if I'm overlapping. Please help. TIA.


New Member
I really suggest not doing it... I had a friend who was natural and did it and her front thinned out. Plus if you decide not to stretch the additional 12 weeks you risk overlapping. I was never good at my edges staying down so I could stretch past 12 weeks but Im sure some ladies on here will help


New Member
I've never done it. If you want it to look good for that day, you can always flat iron/blow dry your roots, then go back to your usual routine afterward.


New Member
My friends down the street used to do thsi religiously! They only relaxed the wdges and left the middle nappy as i dunno what when they couldn't afford to go to the shop. Their hair still looked nice too!


New Member
Add me to the "don't do it" club. The edges tend to be the weakest part of the hair for most folks. I'd err on the side of relaxing that part less not more! You could try an at home Dominican blow-out with a blow dryer and brush to straighten those edges just for this one occasion.


New Member
Girl, I used to this, and if you see how thin my edges are, you might not want to do it. You are now 12 weeks post touch up, Do you realize that the edges have probably the shortest hair on your head, If you relax in the next four weeks, will you not be processing that hair again? Just think about it

I personally tie a bandana on it when it is still wet to slick it down, some others here use aloe vera gel, something to think about


Well-Known Member
Don't do it. As previously stated use the blow dryer or flat iron. The hairline is just too fragile. Don't risk a set back for one evening. A lot of people opt to relax their hairlines every other relaxer to reduce the risk of damage, so relaxing it more is a definite no-no.


Well-Known Member
I know of someone who does this because she constanly wears weaves as a protective she relaxes the perimeter that is left out on her normal schedule so that it can blend ...and she only relaxes the rest of her hair once or twice a year...she has no problems...