Relaxed Hair Thread

Im noticing a lot of new growth as Im doing my rollerset. Im 8 weeks post, wanted to stretch to 12 before relaxing. Not sure if Ill make it. Not sure which relaxer Ill use next time. Im definitely not using ORS lye again. Sent from my iPad using LHCF

Do you want texture or straight? I'd recommend mizani for both results and linange for the former.

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I've been thinking about my next touch up, and I'm actually excited for it!! I plan to use ORS (but am open to inexpensive suggestions lol) next time because I want to go a good bit straighter if I can. Most days my hair doesn't look much different from my stretched out natural hair. Today my sister said she forgot that I was relaxed :/ . Not the look I was going for. I'm also considering relaxing at 8 or 10 weeks.
I've been thinking about my next touch up, and I'm actually excited for it!! I plan to use ORS (but am open to inexpensive suggestions lol) next time because I want to go a good bit straighter if I can. Most days my hair doesn't look much different from my stretched out natural hair. Today my sister said she forgot that I was relaxed :/ . Not the look I was going for. I'm also considering relaxing at 8 or 10 weeks.

This is the issue Im dealing with. People often ask if I'm natural. So I'm doing a corrective Monday and plan to let it straighten a bit longer.
Has any relaxedhead tried Baby Face Pure Protein?

Nadege seems to love it

I have it; I've tried it once mixed with Silicon Mix (only a 1/4 capful because I was nervous) on relaxer day. My hair felt very soft after rinsing, but it always does after Silicon Mix, so I can't really review this product until I use it a couple of times at full strength (1 capful). When I do, I'll give an update.
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This is the issue Im dealing with. People often ask if I'm natural. So I'm doing a corrective Monday and plan to let it straighten a bit longer.


for me its the opposite.

i like my straight hair but as it js fine( maybe some medium strands too) of i put product it weight my hair making it look so thin .
i did have damage a few months back at the crown ( less crown cut short makes me look like i hàve no volume whe i usually always had some volume, high density id say).

i dont want it 100% texlaxed.... that will make me have to use heat to straighten...
im between: cutting my hair again to give lore fullness, or let it grow , the crown catch up the cut?....

im now thinking lf my next relaxer that i will fo MYSELF!

i know my virgin relaxer was done with dark and lovely no lye, she combed through, left it for some time( i guess 20 min) but it was flat afterwards.

i felt like i lost my hair. .. its fuller now but im not yet satisfied and im feeling fustrated.

i dont know if i should buy lye or no lye..
people have been talking so much about linange so if that leaves texture why not?!

im going to london next month and i will do hair shopping ( some things are not sold in paris)... so im starting my list now.

any suggestions?
also, since my henna... my hair is not retaining moisture! i dont know whats going on and i dont know what to do.

is thjs because i have hair relaxed from no lye?? how many times am i suppose to chelate/clarify? i thought every month was fine. am i wrong?

the roots too are kinda harder that the rest ( is it because of new growth)??

i just dont get it
i dont want to buy every product i see .. i tried dc and its the same thing...

for me its the opposite. i like my straight hair but as it js fine( maybe some medium strands too) of i put product it weight my hair making it look so thin . i did have damage a few months back at the crown ( less crown cut short makes me look like i hàve no volume whe i usually always had some volume, high density id say).

i dont want it 100% texlaxed.... that will make me have to use heat to straighten... im between: cutting my hair again to give lore fullness, or let it grow , the crown catch up the cut?....
You don't have to texlax it to leave a lot of texture, just enough to leave some strength. 100% mean the entire head is texlaxed but to texlax is to just leave some texture whether it's a little or a lot. I texlax to leave a lot now versus when I started I only left a little texture. FYI, don't worry about letting the crown catch up. If you keep cutting, you will just get frustrated staying at the same length. I had crown breakage a couple years ago. It's a little below SL now (from trimming to keep it from splitting) but it's growing. You wouldn't be able to tell now unless I told you.

im now thinking lf my next relaxer that i will fo MYSELF! i know my virgin relaxer was done with dark and lovely no lye, she combed through, left it for some time( i guess 20 min) but it was flat afterwards.
How are you styling your hair now. She may have just processed it too much, so you can thicken it with rinses and henna IF they are not to heavy for the hair. My hair thickened up after a few months, but I did rely on roller setting more to achieve this until my hair thickened a bit. Once you leave more texture in the roots, you may notice volume in the hair.

i felt like i lost my hair. .. its fuller now but im not yet satisfied and im feeling fustrated. i dont know if i should buy lye or no lye.. people have been talking so much about linange so if that leaves texture why not?!
I solely recommend lye because it leave more texture and for me burns less because I'm not going straight. No lye left me with strength, but not with texture. If I just smoothed with no-lye once it was fine. My hair wouldn't be super straight, with just enough texture for me look like it's been a while since I relaxed but I didn't need to use heat to straighten after roller setting. So no-lye can work for what you want, but you have to be careful with smoothing. With the linange, your going to be left with a lot of texture so unless you want that, don't bother.

im going to london next month and i will do hair shopping ( some things are not sold in paris)... so im starting my list now. any suggestions?
Shopping for what exactly?

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also, since my henna... my hair is not retaining moisture! i dont know whats going on and i dont know what to do. is thjs because i have hair relaxed from no lye?? how many times am i suppose to chelate/clarify? i thought every month was fine. am i wrong? the roots too are kinda harder that the rest ( is it because of new growth)?? i just dont get it i dont want to buy every product i see .. i tried dc and its the same thing...

The henna (which I suggested with a grain of salt) is probably too much for your hair. Henna is on the heavy side. What did you mix it with?

When I used to use henna, back when my hair was more porous, I used it with buttermilk or yogurt and water. That never left me with problems. Nowadays, due to good ole protein, I really cannot henna as much so I don't try. You probably need to DC more with heat but the clarifying might not be enough to loosen the henna.

You can try to add some coconut cream to your DC to help or just use it straight as a prepoo and see if that helps.

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Here is a post of a question I posted in a different thread that I would like you alls opinion/advice about pllllllease :

I'm 19 or 20 weeks post! Only a couple of weeks left in my stretch. Although I haven't decided if I will end or extend it from my original plan. I am currently and will be wigging it for an extended period of time, so I am unsure how much it makes sense to relax new growth that will just be braided up and hidden anyway. Any thoughts on what I should do? NGraceO

coolsista-paris I'm sorry that you're having such a hard time :needhug:. Don't focus on your hair not being even. That's okay. Focusing on retaining length and letting it grow out :yep:. As it grows it will thicken up!! Plus stretching your relaxers will help you gradually gain thickness too :yep:.

I would say leave the henna alone for a minute. Actually you should try laying off protein in general. Do you think that your hair has a hard time absorbing moisture or is it leaving too quickly?? I realized that my issue was the second. My cuticles are too raised so my hair dries quickly and feels rough. I need a thick, creamy leave-in and to seal my hair with something thicker than your typical oil. If your issue is the second, then you might what to look at ways to open your cuticles and go with water based leave-in sprays maybe, and sealing with something thick would still help.
Things that are working for me so far are:
Garnier Fructis Sleek & Shine leave-in cream
sealing with a little pomade
Not using so much protein
Doing a final rinse with Optimum Opti pH Post-Relaxer Normalizer & Moisturizer
I used the Optimum condish today and OMG my hair felt so much smoother!!! I'm probably going to used it every week or every 2 weeks at least :yep:

Also how do you let your hair dry? If I don't braid or put my hair on flexirods (do something), my hair ends up rough and frizzy and dries out faster :nono:.
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Here is a post of a question I posted in a different thread that I would like you alls opinion/advice about pllllllease :


I am doing that now. I put a sewin at 12 weeks post relaxer & will remove the sewin when Im a total of 24 weeks. But because my hair is not manageable after 24 weeks, I will relax it & put the sewin back in. If you can go longer without damage, you should. Its hiding anyway. ;)

pre_medicalrulz If my hair looked like that, I would be feeling myself so hard. Couldn't tell me Nothin'!!!! Absolutely fabulous :gorgeous:

Lol!! Thank you :)
I am doing that now. I put a sewin at 12 weeks post relaxer & will remove the sewin when Im a total of 24 weeks. But because my hair is not manageable after 24 weeks, I will relax it & put the sewin back in. If you can go longer without damage, you should. Its hiding anyway. ;) Lol!! Thank you :)

I wish I knew. I've never stretched longer than 24 weeks, so I'm totally playing a guessing game lol. Well see. Thanks for the advice!

I'm so looking forward to my corrective tomorrow. I looked like I had a ponytail sitting on top of afro after my workout. Lol.

I think because I'm working out 5 days a week taking fish oil, drinking a gallon of water a day and eating healthy.

My hair is growing fast.

I cant complain look