Pregnancy & vitamins


Well-Known Member
Let me just say I'm not pregnant, but I've always wondered for those who are pregnant, did you continue to take all your vitamins throughout your pregnancy---especially the vitamins you take in high doses like biotin or MSM or B5 or Amino acids? If you did, did you tell your doctor? Just wondering.
Although I don't take the high doses that I used to take pre-pregnancy, I must admit that I still take my GNC women's ultra mega vitamins rather than prenatals. I recall him asking during my first visit whether I took prenatals and I told him Women's Ultra Mega. He didn't seem the least bit interested. However, I did not take them during the first 3 months of pregnancy and stuck with the prenatals instead. After that vital stage, I returned to the Ultra Mega.
I stopped taking the Maxi Hair because of the MSM and not knowing its effects on pregnancy. I still take Biotin (at most 4000 mcg per day) and I take B-5 (500 mg) and Omega Fatty Acids. I researched the effects on the baby before taking any of them. Omegas are actually supposed to be very beneficial for the development of the baby's brain, while softening my hair--go figure. *smiles*
During my last pregnancy I was taking my prenatals and iron and a B 50 complex. I didn't know about this board at the time. I was taking the iron because I had a low blood count, and the b 50 was suggested by my Midwife because I was quite tired and sluggish. B vitamins help with energy and stress. Looking back now, I think those b vitamins helped my achieve a LOT of growth during pregnancy. I didn't know about MSM and all that stuff back then.
Oh, yeah...I also take 500 mgs each of evening primrose and flaxseed oil capsules. I definitely did my research before resuming taking those as well. I too was happy to know that it was good for the developing baby.
Thanks ladies. I was just thinking---MSM shouldn't be too bad if you were pregnant because it's supposed to be as toxic as drinking water, and sulfur is needed by the body each day. Has anyone taken MSM while expecting?
You know, I was just saying to myself that I wanted to do some research on the web in regards to MSM during pregnancy as that's one of the supplements I no longer take due to pregnancy.... I'll let you know what I come up with...
I don't think I'll be fooling around with any MSM
... here's what I found so far...


Can a pregnant woman take msm?


Well, when I first started digging for information on MSM and pregnancy - I was a little surprised to find many sites (yes, they were selling the product, but that's about all there is out there...wish somebody would do a study...) saying MSM is a perfectly natural, safe treatment that can be taken not only during pregnancy but while nursing the baby...this kind of made me stop and go "hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..." because we know how careful we have to be with what we eat, breath, drink and especially how we medicate ourselves during pregnancy.

Then I found this:

"...Pregnant or nursing women should not take MSM unless otherwise advised by their physician. MSM causes rapid detoxing which causes toxins, which have been stored up to flush through into the bloodstream and cardiovascular system. MSM itself is not harmful, but the toxins flowing through the system can be too strong for an infant since they are flushing out at a rapid rate. MSM can be continued after the pregnancy term is over and nursing is no longer occurring. Always consult with a doctor before taking any kind of supplement while pregnant or nursing..."

We always have to remember that whether you choose prescription drugs, over the counter medications, or herbal (aka natural) treatments for your arthritis, that they're all still having chemical effects on our bodies and should be treated with respect.

If you're pregnant, or planning to become pregnant you may want to postpone using MSM until after the pregnancy (and nursing). Please talk to your doctor before starting or changing any medications and/or supplements.

Best of luck with the baby and I hope you find a treatment that works!

This was taken from the website...
I took EPO during my pregnancy as well (gee, how quickly we forget!). During the last month of pregnancy I upped my dosage. I also (during las 4 weeks of pgy), broke the capsules and inserted it on my cervix before going to bed at night. This helps with the gradual thinning of the cervix. I did this with my last two pregnancies and both babies were born within days of the due date.

I'm pretty sure you can find info on EPO and pregnancy on