Poo in shower or in sink?

I do daily co-washes in the shower
and detangle with my Jilbere shower comb
I used to wash in the sink...
it was bad news...
not enough water force
so it can't throughly cleanse the scalp
no matter how had you try.
It's also better if you have a handheld
showerhead with a filter and dial massager.
It's just easier for me.
Read about mines on my blog.
always in the shower, but i use one of those hair catcher things so it dont get clogged.
I shampoo in the shower, get out to deep condition my hair under hooded dryer, then get back in to rinse. When I want to be lazy I shampoo in the sink but later I regret it. When my hair was chin length it was no problem, now whooo....
AllAboutMoi, I'm with you I wish there were an easier way, but ol well.
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I wash in my shower--CWs daily. On days when I use shampoo and deep condition I hop in the shower 2-3 times back to back. I find that my sinks are too small, I bump my head sometimes and plus holding my head down too long makes me get very dizzy.
Hey allaboutmoi, your hair is really healthy looking in your picture. Seems like your current method has been working so far. I hope you keep up the good work and enjoy being a member of LHCF!
I initially wash my hair by leaning over the bath tub. When I am washing out after deep conditioning, I hop into the shower.

I definitely do not wash in the sink, it's too small and I never get all the product rinsed out without splashing everywhere.
i always felt that washing in the shower prevented more tangles and it does but i think washing in the sink doesnt mean you will get a lot of tangles either. it's all in the products you use. i used to get tangles when I pooed and DC under the sink but now that i am using CON shampoo and Motions moisture plus conditioner I get no tangles even when i wash in the sink because I use these two products. the motions conditioner gives MAD slip. you can glide your fingers through your hair.
I prefer the shower. Since my hair is short, sometimes I wash it in the sink if I need to rinse some product out real quick but that's it. When I was relaxed I could never wash in the sink. TANGLE CITY. :nono:
i use the sink ;-( cus we dont have a shower at the mo... our new shower should be in but next week!!! yay!!!
LOL at this thread title!:lol:
Well, I usually "poo" in the shower, but Sunday I "pooed" in the sink. I like to "poo" in the shower though b/c I feel like the direction of the shower head helps to prevent tangling.
This is funny cause with me, it depends on where my family is!! :lol: If they're downstairs, I'll poo downstairs in the sink. If they're upstairs, I'll poo upstairs in the shower. Actually, where I do anything with my hair (rollerset, DC, ect.) depends on where my family is in the house!! :grin:
I use the shower, but starting this weekend, I'm gonna pre-poo then poo in the sink and then DC and do my final rinse in the shower.