Ponytail Rollersets?


Well-Known Member
Now that my hair is getting longer, it's starting to become a real chore to rollerset my hair the traditional way. So much so that I am starting to dread wash days (wash days used to be something that I looked forward to as some "me" time). So, I'm thinking about doing the ponytail rollerset tonight if I decide to shampoo tonight. Does the ponytail rollerset have the same effect? I don't necessarily want a really curly look, so will I then just have only 6-8 ponytails with bigger rollers? Please advise, thanks!

I looked in Pokahontas' album her ponytail sets look great!
The more ponytails you use the curlier your hair will be. I would suggest 4 or 5 if you want it loose and then maybe wrap it to smooth out the ponytail holder "dent". :)
I've tried this once or twice, and I just couldn't get it to look right.:perplexed Maybe I'll try wrapping afterward, like HERicane10 suggests.
Let me know how it works out for you. I think I'm going to go ahead and try it tonight. If it doesn't workout then I can just pin it up for class tomorrow.