Pictures of cute highlights?


New Member
I was hoping you ladies could help me. I am gettin highlights this saturday and it seems 95% of celebs have blonde weaves. I have dark brown hair and layered side-swept bangs. I am looking for some inspiration on colors for these highlights.

Any suggestions are appreciated.
seeminglysweet said:
I was hoping you ladies could help me. I am gettin highlights this saturday and it seems 95% of celebs have blonde weaves. I have dark brown hair and layered side-swept bangs. I am looking for some inspiration on colors for these highlights.

Any suggestions are appreciated.

How exciting. :) I wish i had some pics to share, but i dont. Cant wait to see them though, so be sure to take plenty of pics, girl.
My natural hair color is a light brown and I have about 3 different colors of hi-lites in it even though they are growing out right now. I have a caramel color, a light blond (that's more underneath) and some other color. (think my brother must have custom mixed something). The colors on the pics look a little more orangy than it really is so i hope you can tell.

What I did when i went to get them done was just to look in any kind of magazine with black women in it (not just hair mags, but Ebony, Essence, Black Enterprise,....anything), and snipped pics to take with me b/c I couldn't really describe the color and when I looked at the colors on the chart, they weren't looking right:)