Ojon - Restorative Hair Treatment


New Member
Anyone heard of this product line Ojon.

My sister has decided to try and bid for it on ebay.
Has anyone used it, or know of anyone who has used it.

The website for the product states:

'This is Ojon™ is its purest form. Highly concentrated, it instantly hydrates and rebuilds distressed hair, leaving it extraordinarily soft, shiny and healthy looking

Ideal for hair that is damaged, dry, dull or chemically treated. Very effective on curly, course or unruly hair.

My sister has natural hair, and she would like to try something new to help moisterise and condition her hair.

Apparantly it was mentioned in Oprah's magazine but i don't know what about.
The website is www.ojonhaircare.com Have a look and tell me what you think.

I was at Sephora the other day and took a whiff of this stuff. It smells just like tobacco to me. Gross.

I HAVE heard good things about it, however. But it's also WAY too pricey for me.
Been there, done that. But I don't have anything bad to say about it besides the price. I liked the smell (kinda nutty) and I saw a difference in my hair after one use, but I haven't used it in a while. Probably because I've been on a product binge lately--only one head of hair so many products to try... sigh.
The only thing that I've heard about it is that it is very expensive and that one of the key ingredients in the products is palm oil.
Yes it is very expensive but Ojon (1-877-929-9959 ext:222)
will send you samples if you call and pay $5 postage, which is what I done. I really did like the product and may purchase it soon.
I use it all the time, it does make my hair very shiny and the oil wears off pretty quick. I am a natural who presses, so I mainly uses it as an intensive treatment the day before I go to the salon or wash my hair on my own. It has helped me stretch out my press for an extra week and helps keep my ends smooth. My mom calls this something else that she use to buy when she was a child i Panama, but this is the closest thing to it she's found yet. My sister uses it and her hair is bra strap length (relaxed). It is expensive but I got in on ebay a few months back for only 21.95 I think it sells for 55.00 retail.
I've used Ojon off and on for about 2 months. I've just started to really like it as it didn't do much for me when I first tried it and my hair was natural. Now that my hair is texturized, it works much better for me. I use it as a pre-poo treatment, as a leave-in after I wash my hair and as a hair-dressing. I find it to be very light, and it moisturizes by baby fine hair without weighing it down. It makes my hair shiny and helps tame the frizz. I don't mind the smell at all.
Ronda123 said:
Yes it is very expensive but Ojon (1-877-929-9959 ext:222)
will send you samples if you call and pay $5 postage, which is what I done. I really did like the product and may purchase it soon.

Thanks, I may be giving them a call!