October 5,6,7...What Are YOUR Weekend Hair Plans??

This morning
Clarified w/ Suave
Shampooed w/ SM
Conditioned w/ Tresseme Naturals
Added tropic isles black castor oil protein conditioner. This time around it didn't leave my air hard. Maybe because my hair was wet prior to adding it. It still smells horribly.
Will leave on for 1 hr
Adding Hollywood beauty cholesterol mixed w/ vatika evoo and another oil I bought a the Indian grocery store called secrets. Will leave that on for a few hrs and sit under the hooded dryer.
M&s my hair- not sure what I'm using yet.
I flat ironed my hair last night...I really have no use for my flat ironed hair...airdried with some bantu knots certainly more my speed now:yep:
Last night removed color build up with vit c and shampoo, conditioned with custom mixture of Mizani kerafuse and hydrafuse.

Today applied new color, shampooed with Redken Color poo and PM Awapuhi Ginger Poo.
Applied Redken Color chemistry shot, rinsed and applied Pravana Silk Degrees treatment.
After rinsing treatment, applied DC mix of Coolway Boost, PM Awapuhi Ginger treatment and Curl Junkie Rehab. Amazing mix!

Blow dried and flat ironed, hair feels soft and I love my color!