New Challenge, Stay Natural in '08

I'm in! I bc'd about 5wks ago. I have about 1-1.5 inches of hair. Currently I wear wigs and half wigs until it grows out.
I would like to know what you ladies are using as a leave-in conditioner? Please only list products I can buy at the BSS, Walmart, CVS ect. Sista on a budget:grin:
Thanks in advance.
I'm in. I've been natural for a year and a half now, but I just reached what's the hardest phase for me, too long to wear out, but too short to fit into a good end-protecting bun so I'll need all the encouragement I can get.
Im in!! But I would be lying if I said I have never thought about texlaxing:perplexed So I am in for all the support and encouragement anyone wants to offer!!! :circle:
I'm in (currently transitioning). Although I have absolutely no intention of relaxing I will need help with some issues...:yep:
Just peaking in and I think I'll take the plunge...but boy I'll need a LOT of support. :look:
Hi pinkskates.:wave:You hair is just gaw-jus!!! :yep:
I'm in and I need alot of support this will be my 7th time and hopefully the last, I had been so caught up in length. But now I am taking it slow and have other things on my mind so the last thing I will be worried about is my hair LOL!!! I have a wig and I just wear it to work to help me out.

This is a good one!!!!!
Ladies, thank you sooo much for the support. I love my natural hair and texture. It is just that evertime I go to Wal-mart or Sally's, those texturizers are softly calling my name. Now I will here my LHCF sisters telling me to just step away from the box.:lachen:

A thread I can truly relate to. I've been debating back and forth in my mind, if to texlax or not. So far, I think I want to just wait and see what my hair has in store for me. I'm gonna need some real support and advice as to what to do. I'm in braids now, but plan on taking them out next month and don't want to rely on them while transitioning. I want to be able to get to know my natural head again.

Thanks for starting this thread. And thank you to all the ladies who are natural and have proven that naturals can be just as beautiful as the rest...
I'm in. This is a very timely thread. I love my hair, but the last few days the thought of lightly relaxing has crossed my mind. I get tired of detangling and my hair reverting with any moisture at all- and its too cold for wash'n'go s right now. I think I'm safe from relaxing because I remember how hard the chemicals were on my hair, but I'ma join this challenge to be on the safe side :yep:
This is EXACTLY the thread I need right now. I've been contemplating chopping and re/texlaxing for a while now. I love my wonderful wild curls but detangling literally brings me to tears. Furthermore when I wear wng's I end up pulling half my hair out anyhow trying to release all the tangles from shrinkage. I love my hair but wish it could be easier. Plus, I'm style challenged, so most days I end up in a bun....BORING!!! :nono:
Originally posted by High Priestess
Just peaking in and I think I'll take the plunge...but boy I'll need a LOT of support. :look:
Hi pinkskates.:wave:You hair is just gaw-jus!!! :yep:

Hi:wave:HP...and thank you for the hair love!
I'm in. I've been natural for a year and a half now, but I just reached what's the hardest phase for me, too long to wear out, but too short to fit into a good end-protecting bun so I'll need all the encouragement I can get.

During this phase I wore small diameter two strand twists on wet hair with a pomade or gel so the hair lays down for week #1 and then let it out for week #2. I would use small clips or metal barrettes in the front or push back with a thin elastic band.

Now that my hair has grown out, I can keep twists longer. I were it in twists for week #1 ( Olive Oil or sulphur 8 lite on scalp every other night, conditioner wash at end of week if necessary/ not always). Week #2 I wear the twists in an updo or curly by rolling the ends on soft perm rods (conditioner was for sure, oil scalp with sulphur 8 light). Week #3 wear a twist out (full wash day at the end of week #3)
I want in on this challenge. I've been natural for 10 months and don't see myself turning back. So this should be an easy first challenge on LHCF.
I'm in! I was just admiring my natural hair in the mirror and wishing I had the courage to stay natural the last TWO times I tried to work with my natural hair.

This time I feel like there's no turning back but you know how that goes... this challenge is right on time!

Let's see if I can't get past this two year mark :yep:
I want to join too. God knows I need all the help I can get. I don't know how to care for, style, relate or deal with my hair.
I'm in. I've been natural for at least 12 years now but, last year I cut off 20" of locks and I'm now dealing with "now what?". I miss the convenience of my locks, I don't really have the patience to twist on a regular basis and, I can't braid to save my life. I going to try some rollersets and look for some products that will make my wash and gos less, shall we say, scary.
I've been natural for about 8 months. My hair is shoulder length now but shrinks up to my nape when wet :nono:. I takes forever to twist and detangle because my kinks are in love with my coils and they never want to let each other go. My wash and go's are crazy looking-I look like a coily girl when wet but after air drying and shrinkage I look like I have knots on my hair because the coils shrink up soo much not to mention the 4a curls get smaller and tighter toward the back of my head until the nape is 4b. I've been eyeing texturizers for the last month. This being said, I am determined to be natural this time next year. The challenge is easy, just don't relax or texturize. Go ahead, blow dry or press if you need to. Just join me in the quest to stay away from the relaxer isle at your local BSS.

i felt similar to this not too long back. it wasn't so much that my hair was difficult but i didn't like the length, i felt i looked less pretty :rolleyes: and my style options were limited. it didn't help that my "hair idols" were relaxing either.

right now, i think for the most part i like my hair again. what really helped was remembering that how ever annoying my hair got, relaxing was not the option. my hair used to be dry, breaking and damaged when it was relaxed. for the first time in ages, my hair is thick, strong and thriving. i am actually retaining length and can see my growth. i know this is mainly because i am natural now.

i think when you really at your wits end with your hair, it's always best to remember why you decided to go natural in the first place and what it would mean to you to continue being natural. also experiment with more styles and look at the option of braiding up for 2-3 months to give yourself a break. for me, it helps to stalk fotkis too :look: :sekret:. it just gives me that extra motivation to continue down this path. btw, those "hair idols" are now transitioning back to natural or have big-chopped already. more often than not i see that naturals who went back to the relaxer, do not stay relaxed for long at all. you tend to glamorise relaxed hair when you are frustrated with your relax hair. relaxed hair comes with its problems too.

good luck to everyone on this challenge :)
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I'm in. I had a temporary loss of sanity when I said I would texlax in the summer. My edges wouldn't stand for that
dicapr - a woman after my own heart :rosebud:

i can't do wng's either for some of the same reasons. i've got goals to reach and those danged wng's will have me ripping and tearing myself right back to scratch.

it seems unfair cause i don't even consider remaining natural much of a challenge.

so don't fret I got ya back :grin: when you need a :poke: or a :bat:.
Lynnie I am loving your new sig. Your hair is :drool: worthy
I am transitioning, so I want to join as well. Good luck to the op, me and everyone else this year. I hope I can learn lots of techniques from all of you.:yep::yep: