Need your advice!

A couple of years I ago I switched from Affirm to Design Essentials. I loved the fact that my hair was thicker and did the wavy thing when wet (even if I processed for a long time/worked it through, the hair held a wave pattern). For about a year now I have been going to a stylist who uses Design Essentials Time Release (lower lye for "more stylist control") and does NOT work the relaxer through and has a short processing time relative to my past stylists and it seems most of my head is now relaxed with this new lower lye.

My problem is that now even when my hair is wet, it feels dry (make sense?) It is also extremely tangled when wet.

What should I do? Is it the "time release formula?" I want the wavy and the thicker healthier strands BUT my hair is no longer seeming healthier and my ends are a HOT MESS. It it the processing time? The crown of my hair is especially tangled and dry but that is where the relaxer stays the longest!

Most people around here use Mizani, but I'm skeptical because of an experience I had as a teenager (it seemed to literally "sweat back").

WHAT SHOULD I DO? It is so tangled when wet that I do not want to rollerset and have just been blowing it out and wrapping it.

Is this just a result of texlaxing 4bc hair???
Sorry to hear this. Maybe you need a super moisturizing DC. I also noticed a change like this in my hair when I switched relaxers (only when hair is wet). I think I have 4a/b hair also and for me the GVP(going by your reggie) with add ins really didn't cut it. I would try to up your moisture game and try some porosity control conditioner - this will also help with your tangles. What DC did your stylist use?