need tips to make a braidout last all week long.


Well-Known Member
I just washed my hair and am airdrying. I want to do a good braidout but I want to do it just once and have the style last at least through Thanksgiving without having to rebraid and doing it all over. If you have been succesful with this, please reply back. Thanks!
a great way would be to gather the hair up into a headband on top of your head and cover with a bonnet. In the morning, you should still have the waves from your initial braid out.
*Dee* said:
a great way would be to gather the hair up into a headband on top of your head and cover with a bonnet. In the morning, you should still have the waves from your initial braid out.

Dee, that's a great tip...I need to try that the next time i do my braidout too...braiding your hair every night or every other night is so time consuming...I'll definitely give that a try.
@ lioness- I like that braid out pic in your sic, I am hoping that mine will come out as good as your when I take it down tomorrow. I decided to use some setting lotion on each cornrow along with some carrot oil creme. I then sat under a hooded dryer for about 10 minutes to get rid of some of the moisture. I will keep you'll posted on how long this look has lasted.
*Dee* said:
a great way would be to gather the hair up into a headband on top of your head and cover with a bonnet. In the morning, you should still have the waves from your initial braid out.

This is a great tip and it works all the time!