Naturals, I need words of Inspiration Please!!


New Member
I'm being rather impulsive at the moment. :spinning: i know for healthy hair to grow, it needs alot of TLC, but im getting pretty frustrated with my hair. It seems like i can only rock one style (but that may be because im style challenged), and it just feels like it's not growing. I know i shouldnt compare myself to other's heads, but at times i do. Any other naturals ever been in this situation? Right now my hair is an awkward 5 inches all around....How did you all get over this hump?
At every stage of hair growth..especially when have to learn, change, and adapt. I would encourage you to look through fotki's and some of the "naturals how are you wearing your hair today" threads to get inspiration. When you find a couple styles that you like, just experiment, experiment, expiriment. I definitely had some styles I tried and ended up looking like buckwheat...but through trial and tremendous error...I eventually found 2-3 styles that I really liked and felt comfortable with. I found Ive had to do this at like every significant length change...cause what looks cute with 5" looks at hot mess with 10"

Enjoy your journey!!
im sorry you are feeling this way, as a natural it can get frustrating but i encourage you to keep striving and when your watching your hair grow it seems like its not doing a thing. you can check my fotki i try to do things that i think will look great on my head. being natural you have so much versitality. have you tried flat twists fro hawks twists mini braids, flat iron, rollerset or some forum of protective stlying? 5 inches is quite a bit to work with imo
you have plenty of hair to work with and stop thinking that your hair is a challenge and styles are a challenge. just look at some pics to get some inspiration and start practicing. it will get better. moisturize your hair and let natural do the rest. check out some videos on youtube. good luck!
Dont get discouraged. I'm at the same place that you are and I am also style challenged. But luckily we both are at beginning stages in hair growth so you have plenty of time to teach yourself how to style and take care of your hair. This is the way I'm looking at it at least. Take time to play in your hair if you have a free day that way if you mess it up no one will know:grin:. Also, if you have a stylist you trust ask them to explain how they are doing some of the natural styles on your hair. Give yourself time to become a DIYer. I'm sure you'll be able to style your hair with ease in time.
What styles have you tried? Experimentation is the key, not just with different styles, but different products.

Yes, I have been where you are and I thought I made a big mistake after I BC'd. It takes time and a lot of experiments gone wrong, but I feel like I have really learned a lot about my hair and what it can do.

Also how do you know that your hair is not growing? Are you measuring? Are you taking pictures of the hair stretched? Sometimes it felt like my hair wasn't growing, but natural hair can play tricks on the eyes because of the shrinkage.

My suggestions is for you to get some tutorials on some styles and try them out. You might not get it totally right the first time, but I guarantee you will get there eventually. Good luck!
At every stage of hair growth..especially when have to learn, change, and adapt. I would encourage you to look through fotki's and some of the "naturals how are you wearing your hair today" threads to get inspiration. When you find a couple styles that you like, just experiment, experiment, expiriment. I definitely had some styles I tried and ended up looking like buckwheat...but through trial and tremendous error...I eventually found 2-3 styles that I really liked and felt comfortable with. I found Ive had to do this at like every significant length change...cause what looks cute with 5" looks at hot mess with 10"

Enjoy your journey!!
Your hair is Gorgeous :love: I can't believe how much it's grown!

Anyway OP: I hear you on the hair slump thing, but trust you will get through it. I was in the same place when I was natural over a year ago, and I eventually relaxed. My hair has grown a lot, but it's still not as healthy as it was when it was natural so I regret that decision and am currently transitioning.

I agree with the poster before me who suggested that you take a day when you are free and just try some new styles! If you really can't take the slump try out some braids on kinky twists for a few weeks. I'm sure you'll be missing your natural hair soon and become re-inspired :)
Everyone feels this way sometimes, so don't feel alone! Your hair looks wonderful, but if you find yourself getting bored try Henna (that's what I'm going to do now) and get yourself some new hair accessories. They can really spice up your look!
All the ladies above have said so many good things!

I definitely encourage going through pictures and getting ideas of styles that you like - and then taking a Saturday and experimenting with your hair to see how you can make them work on you. :yep:

Good luck!
Whenever I'm in a style rut, I cowash my hair, moisturize, then just play with it while wet. It's easier to mold and style the hair when it's damp, so eventually I come up with something cute.

I also get inspired by other people's fotkis and youtube videos.

Hope that helps!
A watched pot never broils.

Find a protective style and leave it alone. You will be suprised how much growth you get from doing that. Since I have gone natural I find myself doing less and less. The only things I do now are daily CW, MT every other day...and baggy my ends. I have been wearing buns for a minute now. Felt quite ugly. But the other day I decided to try a puff and my oh my how much HAIR I have. When I get home I will switch out the phony puff in my siggy and add my real one...I can retire my phony puff now. :) If you want to see...check out my album. But really..sometimes less is more. Find a style that you can hide your hair for a bit. Oh and it also helps if your ends are pretty healthy as well. After my BC my hair didn't really start doing better until I went and got a clean up cut done. But...everyone is different. Good luck chica...stay encouraged. :)
It takes a little time thats all. In due time all will be well with your feelings about your hair. There are quite a few styles you can wear in the 5in stage to include, bantus, twist, braids, outs, Palm rolls, roller sets, strawsets (to name a few). Feel free to check my album and the albums of many other ladies... I have been documenting my journey from BC to 5 years. I also have a section on styling ideas.