Natural Ladies - who finger comb


I was wondering, those of you that finger comb and are natural, how do you keep your hair from snagging on your finger nails (or hang-nails)?

Thanks in advance.
Well I'm not natural but I'm texturized with about 11 weeks of new growth so I'm practically natural.
I've had this problem occassionally but 2 things have helped me.
1 - I have to make sure my nails are filed with no cracks in them to catch on.
2 - Pantene S & S (Yep they got me too...
) Made my hair slip thru my fingers much more easily. I use it as a leave in diluted with a little water.

The hangnails are a pain in the butt though. I know what you mean.
Thanks alot for your response, Ennyaa.

I've been thinking about going to get a manicure and this may give me the push I need. For some reason when I file my own nails they can tend to be kind of sharp.

Those hang-nails are a bear! You would think that I wouldn't have any with the amount of time my hands spend in water but those edges around my nails are rough.

Thanks again.

Does anyone else have any suggestions?
I don't get hang nails...but occasionally the ends get cought in my nails...I just slow down my combing. And yes, the Pantene Pro-V S&S mixed with a little melted shea pomade makes a great leave in and gives even my dry hair slip....I ran out last night and used something hair wasn't as moisturized today as it usually I have some tangles. You can bet I picked some up on the way home...
With your hangnails, make sure that you are getting enough Vitamin C in your diet. Sometimes, if you are getting a lot of hangnails, lack of C is the problem.

I would also recommend that every night you massage a bit of avocado butter around the cuticle area. That really helps!

When you file your nails, try to get a file which has multiple levels...a very hard emery board area for like greater areas, and medium, then mild for gentle filing. Each week, I have to file my nails down a bit. I use the heavy-duty emery, then I use a very light filer to smooth out the edges. Try to also keep a file with in your purse, backpack, etc. for times when your nails might get those little splits at the ends.

Before finger combing, be sure that your hands are well moisturized and that your nails are smooth, then do the finger combing very gently and slowly. I think being slow helps. Avoid a problem before it starts. And, yes, I agree with the others, be sure your hair is well moisturized, too.

I like to finger comb sometimes even before using my regular wide-toothed comb. And, I certainly finger comb throughout the day...very good method I've found for myself.

Have a great evening,

I usually just do it in the shower and use the flow of the water from my showerhead to detangle(along with my fingers)

Not very helpful info, I know
Great post.

It's certainly an issue for me.
My fingers give me the most trouble when I cut my nails too short with a clipper. Cutting my nails too short shreds the skin around my nails, thereby giving rise to hangnails and jagged edges.

After examining my hands, a very wise friend suggested that I clip them only a little bit, but rely mostly on the file and emory board.

I will also use the suggestions from this thread.Thanks
When I used to wear my real nails. I would use a special emery board. It was blue and pink and when I used it it felt like it did nothing. But it would gently smooth down all of the little cracks that I could not see. It would keep my hair from getting snagged.