My touchup experience


New Member
<font color="purple"> To everyone that helped me with my decision to stick with transitioning to a lye relaxer, THANKS!

I had almost given up on lye since my first experience went so badly (ie. extremely underprocessed). I got my touchup a few days ago with Mizani's lye relaxer, my stylist said that with my hair type (thick 4a) the Mizani would be better especially thru the growing out phase, I was planning on using the Affirm lye again, but I'm happy I didn't, my hair came out so well!! I wet a section of the lye relaxed hair just to see if it was underprocessed which was my biggest concern and it wasn't, not only was it straight but it dried straight, silky and thick. Usually after a touchup my hair is very thin looking, but not this time, my hair feels so thick! I love Mizani's lye relaxer. Also, I noticed that the no lye sections of my hair are aren't as soft and airdry looking very frizzy. Thanks again you guys for being such a great source of information and motivation.
Also I have a question for fellow lye relaxer users, how does your hair look when wet versus the no lye sections?</font>
Congratulations EmeraldSky!
I'm so excited for you!

To answer your question, the sections of my hair that were relaxed with no-lye tend to get a little frizzy when my hair is drying, but when it's wet it all looks uniform.
I was torn between the two but we decided to go with the Affirm Lye, I wanted Fiberguard but the did'nt have it, she's gonna order it for next time, but she gave me Regualr and I think I need a mild, because my head burned like heck and the kitchen area was not even relaxed, she said she put it on there last cause it tends to process quicker and before thier done, it usually burns. I ahve not burned like that in a long, long, time, I have a relaxer burn on my neck. I really need to find something that works and stick with it.

She said the Mild would'nt relax my hair, yet last time she used, sensitive scalp, Affirm, (calicum hydroxide) and it worked ok. But because everything I hear says lye works better, I went for it. I had a Lye relaxer that my previous stylist patented and it never burned like that.

I just dont know what's goin here.. I'm happy you had a good expeience.

Does anybody know, if the different strengths ahve to do with the burning?

If the Affirm doesn't work for you, try Mizani. My first lye relaxer was Affirm's lye relaxer in regular, I burned like crazy, the back section of my hair had major scabs, but I attributed that to the stylist not basing my scalp. Maybe Mizani's a little gentler? I don't know.