My Sister's girlfriend's Hair Nightmare


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My Sister\'s girlfriend\'s Hair Nightmare

I just wanted to share this with everyone, because I didn't know this could happen. My little sister's girl, let's call her Suzy, relaxes her own hair. This time she wanted her hair super straight. Well she left the relaxer on longer than normal and received 1st degree burns all over her scalp. She had to go to the emergency room and treatment. Now she is completely bald. Hope it grows back.

Just wanted to share this....I knew you could burn, but not 1st degree.......
Re: My Sister\'s girlfriend\'s Hair Nightmare

Good Lord!! That's scary. She must have left it on for a lot of time. Wasn't her scalp burning her? I hope it grows back also.
Re: My Sister\'s girlfriend\'s Hair Nightmare

1st degree burns?

Oh my goodness. Let's pray Suzy heals from this quickly.
Re: My Sister\'s girlfriend\'s Hair Nightmare

Lordy! She had to leave it on a long, long time for it do that much damage. Poor kid!
Re: My Sister\'s girlfriend\'s Hair Nightmare

OH MY GOD!!! How long did she leave it in? It's gonna take a long time to heal before she can think about re-growth. She should stay in touch with her doctor. I'm so sorry. It turns my stomach just reading it. I pray for her full recovery.
Re: My Sister\'s girlfriend\'s Hair Nightmare

A very,very,very,very long time....
Re: My Sister\'s girlfriend\'s Hair Nightmare

Take a look at the bald (but distinguished!) gentlement in church. You'll notice some of their scalps are so tough, it really look like the skull has a brown wax and spit shine on it. Others have "fleshy" scalps, with very little shine and it looks like any other skin on their body.

There are many women who are tough-headed (as opposed to tender headed), and they may not feeling burning in their scalp from relaxers, the heat of curling irons, the pulling of braids, and a host of other "beauty pains" because their scalp is tough. Tender-headeds on the other hand will feel it. Some women are so tender-headed they can feel the chemical burn before you've gotten half way through their head, and intensely. I think the difference between the "tugging feeling" people and the "bristling, itching" people in the PP Biotin thread is that the latter are not tender-headed.

She probably didn't feel anything because her scalp is insensitive.

Women who are not tender-headed, beware: just because you don't feel the burning of the relaxer doesn't mean you won't suffer the effects of the chemical. I'm so sorry for what happened to this lady, and I'm sure she wouldn't want it to happen to anyone else.
Re: My Sister\'s girlfriend\'s Hair Nightmare

OMG!! do u kno i had to cut my hair coz i kept the relaxer for 45mins so i too cud get bone straight hair!! i too never realised it cud be that bad!! really does make u stop and think twice before u relax yo own hair coz jus coz u cant feel no pain aint no guarantee that u aint gettin burned
Re: My Sister\'s girlfriend\'s Hair Nightmare

What, that's terrible, I hope her hair grows back very soon. And she's little so hhhopefully she'll bounce back soon.
Re: My Sister\'s girlfriend\'s Hair Nightmare

sorry to hear that, but i'm wondering what everyone else is wondering... how long did she leave it on?

Re: My Sister\'s girlfriend\'s Hair Nightmare

I hope she'll be okay. She's young so her hair will most likely grow back...She may end up having problems with relaxing in the future. I had to sections of my scalp where a hairdresser over processed my hair about 15 years ago. I ended up with 2 small bald spots. The hair grew back but was always thin in those 2 areas. Everytime I would get a touchup, the same 2 sections shed and always remained thin until I stopped relaxing almost 2 years ago. Those ares grew back in thick like they used to be.