My Big Lots and Skala Experience


Well-Known Member
So....I went to Big Lots and looked around and couldn't find the hair aisle so I asked the worker where the hair products were. She said:

:perplexed We don't sell black hair products

I said: :look: Oh....that's ok I'm looking for Skala products :grin:

She said: :nono:We only have Pantene but I'll show you

Come on black women, step outside the box! Ethnic hair products are not the only products we can use! I even used Vo5 and Pantene before I found the hairboards.

So she showed me to the aisle and I had a BALL because they definitely had more than Pantene. She was trippin, they had Pantene, L'Oreal, Suave products I've never seen before, Garnier, and SKALA!!

But they only had 5 bottles. So which one of ya'll live in Ann Arbor/ YPSI and buyin up all the skala? I bought the G3 or G6 whatever conditioner. They had the shampoo and they had some fruit cocktail something but I couldn't remember if people liked that so I just got the one conditioner.

Can't wait to use it!:yep:
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Trust people to jump to conclusions. Good luck on your find. I found lots of G3 condish at the BL I went to
So....I went to Big Lots and looked around and couldn't find the hair aisle so I asked the worker where the hair products were. She said:

:perplexed We don't sell black hair products

I wouldve said "Thats not what I asked, so apparently you are hard of hearing..":lachen:

I'm just glad you found some Skala! :grin:
I also get sick of the ignorant theory that we can only use "our" products for our hair. If people would read they would see the products are the same except for mineral oils in black hair products, I notice they don't put that in "white" products. but normally that's the only difference.

it's 2010 and people still think we can only use products directed to us, that really irritates me ladies. and my biglots has nothing!
We don't sell Black Hair Care Products......grrrrr

I would have said well I am in the right place then...because as you can see I am not black....Now show me where all the good white folk products are

I mean stupid statements deserve stupid responses

Glad you picked up some goodies
I'm in California and have been to three Big Lots, can't find it :ohwell:

Yeah I'm in Northern Cal and finally! found the Fruit Cocktail Masque and the Aloe Vera Masque at a BL in Hayward :ohwell: but I've been to atleast 3 in different cities....nothing!