Live in a HARD WATER AREA??? please read!!!


my water filtering system has changed my hair's life. Before, my hair would tangle and be very hard after shampoo, conditioner, leave in, etc.. Since buying this system, my 11 weeks new growth no longer feels like a bag of naps, it is very soft.

I live in a hard water area, and thanks to LHCF is where I acquired the knowledge of a filtering system. For you ladies that live in hard water areas, you should definetly invest in a water filtering system; it could make all the difference in the world as far as hair growth, stretching relaxers, and managing hair!
Question: Is a water filtering system and a water softener one and the same? You referenced "hard" water, but then you say filtering system.

Thanks much.
foxybrownsugar said:
If i'm not mistaken the filter is what makes the water softer. There are many threads on this subject you can do a search.

I thought filters just took out the chemicals; chlorine, floride, etc. I think you need a water softener to take out the minerals that make the water hard. But I could be wrong... :confused:

I got a water filter for my shower head. My hair has improved, but it's even more soft when I use distilled water for the final rinse. I also brought a water test kit and both tap and filtered water measure "very hard." Like I said, I could be wrong.
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sareca said:
I thought filters just took out the chemicals; chlorine, floride, etc. I think you need a water softener to take out the minerals that make the water hard. But I could be wrong... :confused:

I got a water filter for my shower head. My hair has improved, but it's even more soft when I use distilled water for the final rinse. I also brought a water test kit and both tap and filtered water measure "very hard." Like it said, I could be wrong.
I think you are correct. I was just looking at the culligan water softners and it looks like it is attached to the water heater. According to their map im in the hardest water zone. :(
I bought the PUR water filtering system Stage 3 it was $26.99@Lowe's...It filters out minerals too. There are different stages, I bought the one that filters out most of the harmful products. I didn't like the one that attaches to the shower, it doesn't filter out much. It depends on how much you want to spend. You buy cheat, you receive cheap filtering system.

A water softner system cost $500-$700 or more attaches to the water heater and make water soft too. It is very expensive and of course is better than the filters. The water filter that I bought has improved the softness of my hair tremendously and I paid only $26.99 for a Stage 3. I am in a very hard water area, and it has improved my hair 99.99%!

BTW..I use distilled too, but prior to purchasing the water filter, I would use the hard water and then rinse with distilled, my hair was still nappy... Now that I have the filter system, my hair is so soft. I've noticed the difference right away!
You are absouletly correct Mz Tami, i was looking at the whole house filters which is cheaper than the water softening system. Culligan water softening system looks like it will be very expensive. They ask if you want to be financed or they suggest calling the local dealer.
where can I buy a water test kit? I think I have hard water. I went to Home Depot and Lowes before when I was looking for the kit and filter and I couldn't find it...
They sell them @ Lowes. Maybe they were out of stock, but I know I have hard water because of the area I live in. You can also call your local water company and ask if you can't find the kit.

Also, the water taste so much better with the water's more crisp and clean tasting..doesn't leave an after taste.

I think that since water is a major asset to hair care, I think all of the ladies should pay close attention to their water! I hear a lot of people saying that water makes their hair hard and is afraid to frequently wash because of it. It could be that you have hard water and not know it. Like I said, my hair was very hard after shampoos, conditioners, leave- in etc..Until, I acquired the water filtering system. It made a big difference toward my hair care!
MzTami said:
I bought the PUR water filtering system Stage 3 it was $26.99@Lowe's...It filters out minerals too. There are different stages, I bought the one that filters out most of the harmful products. I didn't like the one that attaches to the shower, it doesn't filter out much. It depends on how much you want to spend. You buy cheat, you receive cheap filtering system.

A water softner system cost $500-$700 or more attaches to the water heater and make water soft too. It is very expensive and of course is better than the filters. The water filter that I bought has improved the softness of my hair tremendously and I paid only $26.99 for a Stage 3. I am in a very hard water area, and it has improved my hair 99.99%!

BTW..I use distilled too, but prior to purchasing the water filter, I would use the hard water and then rinse with distilled, my hair was still nappy... Now that I have the filter system, my hair is so soft. I've noticed the difference right away!

Okay, I'm looking for one that attaches to the shower head because that's where I wash my hair. Aren't there any filters for the shower that work adequately?
rai said:
where can I buy a water test kit? I think I have hard water. I went to Home Depot and Lowes before when I was looking for the kit and filter and I couldn't find it...

I got mine in the fish department at WalMart. Anywhere at sells live fish should sell water test kits.