Interfaith Marriage

I don't think salvation through Jesus Christ is the only way to get to heaven.
"Jesus answered, I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" John 14:6.
And for those people who NEVER had the chance to hear of Jesus during their lifetime? What about those people?
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Oh my comment on the thread.

Could not marry anyone of another faith. I really believe in a woman submitting to her husband. I believe this cause I have faith that God/Jesus Christ is leading my husband to care for his family. I personally do not have faith in any human to do more right by me than my Lord and savior.

I talk about God too much and really believe in spiritual warfare to be laid up and becoming one with someone that doesn't believe in my God.

The un equally yoke scripture does apply to marriage as well as friendships and relationships within a family. I love all my family dearly, but the ones that worship the world I do not spend alot of time with. I don't run away from them its all good its family, but I am not on the phone chopping it up telling them all my business or asking for advice.

Paul advises Christians to stay with their unsaved or spouses of another faith as well. So if you two get married and all of a sudden you find Jesus, that doesn't mean you have leeway (sp) to leave your spouse you need to stick it out.

Thats all.
TrustMeLove said:
A couple of you sisters on this board are strong.

BlackBarbie and Alexstin just to name a couple. I really pray that the Lord continues to encourage, strengthen, and guide you in the word of the Lord God Almighty. May the Holy Spirit continue to guide you in all truth and righteousness.

My only comment is that the Lord will finish the work that he has begun in his children. We can't change or futher something that was started in the Spirit with the natural. I have come to realized no matter how much scripture I pull out hebrew or greek translation if someone does not have the ears to hear than its of no use. Speak it and live it and let the Lord do the rest.

Remember to continue to spread Gods great message in love (which you are doing) and continue to plant seeds and allow him to do the watering/growing/maturing.

My short example. My friend believed everyone goes to heaven who accepts Jesus as Lord and Savior. I disagree with this belief. I told her why and brought out the scripture. She said she still believed everyone goes to Heaven. I left it at that. A couple months later during her own time studying the bible, she calls me ecstatic. She read in some passage why not everyone goes to heaven just because they believe and the idea of a 3 fold delieverance. I don't know where this came from, but the Holy Spirit lead her in that truth. It really showed me that I can plant seeds but I must let God handle the rest and just how awesome the Holy Spirit is to guide us in our walk with Christ.

May all of you lovely Sistas continue or began to walk in the perfect will of the Lord.


Being that God gave me a sense of humor.... I am picking my pearls up and I am out. While I'm at it.... How did this dust get on my feet? :lachen:
That scripture DOES NOT MENTION MARRIAGE! You all can link it to marriage until you are blue in the face, but it does not! Paul was not talking about marriage in that letter.

What you are doing is comparable to taking something someone said last year about gardening and applying it to house cleaning. The literal leap can be made, but that was NOT the original context or point of reference for the comment. It just wasn't.

This thread isn't even on topic anymore, so, ladies, while it was nice debating, I am done. Not because I don't have the courage or strength to continue my point of view, but because I feel this is no longer productive.
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mkh_77 said:
And for those people who NEVER had the chance to hear of Jesus during their lifetime? What about those people?

Thats a really good question. With the limited amount I know from the bible (cause you can't ever no everything) I guess they aren't going to make it to the Father. I can't say they are in hell or heaven cause only the Lord knows there fate. But we can only get to the Father through the Son. Sooo..yea.

But, who knows that scripture about Cornelius (sp) the first gentile to receive the Holy Spirit. He did not know Jesus, but he was dedicated to prayer and serving God and asking him to lead him in all truth. And thats when God sent Simon (Peter) to his house and gave him the good news about Jesus Christ.

So, yea I guess the Lord will interecede for those he chooses.
Thanks TrustMeLove:kiss:

Mkh_77 are you okay? Topics like these can get the blood boiling but I don't want you to be mad...
One last thing . . . I do appreciate everyone's opinion and I am not harboring any ill feelings. Luckily, we all live in a place where we are free to believe what we will.
Zeal said:

Being that God gave me a sense of humor.... I am picking my pearls up and I am out. While I'm at it.... How did this dust get on my feet? :lachen:

Hahaha Ohhh girl you be in your word dontcha. lol I said that all churchy too. Girl get out before fire and brimstone hit the thread. hahaha You are crazy. Get away from the mud before you get dirty too. Don't mess up your outfit out there trying to feed no swine and fall into the mud yourself.

Disclaimer: Thread directed at Zeal only. No name calling on my behalf. I apologize to any who are offended. Jokes.
TrustMeLove said:
Hahaha Ohhh girl you be in your word dontcha. lol I said that all churchy too. Girl get out before fire and brimstone hit the thread. hahaha You are crazy. Get away from the mud before you get dirty too. Don't mess up your outfit out there trying to feed no swine and fall into the mud yourself.

Disclaimer: Thread directed at Zeal only. No name calling on my behalf. I apologize to any who are offended. Jokes.

Hee hee hee!!!!!
This a such a good thread, and everyone is getting along so well. I believe I could be with someone who was non-Christian, but best believe my children will be Christian. If that wouldn't work, then the relationship wouldn't. I'm all for everyone believing what they choose, but for as long as I can' I'll show my children my beliefs.
Wow Ladies! I have just finished reading everyone's responses. I couldn't get on the boards yesterday, and it's late now, but wow!

I see everyone's point of view and I have thought about each person's response.

Whether you believe that you can marry an unbeliever or not, I did want to give food for thought.

As we all know Paul wrote 1 Corinthians 7:12-15 and 2 Corinthians 6:14-16:

12To the rest I say this (I, not the Lord): If any brother has a wife who is not a believer and she is willing to live with him, he must not divorce her. 13And if a woman has a husband who is not a believer and he is willing to live with her, she must not divorce him. 14For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy.

15But if the unbeliever leaves, let him do so. A believing man or woman is not bound in such circumstances; God has called us to live in peace.

2 Corinthians 6:14-1614Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? 15What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? What does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? 16What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: "I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people.".

Do you all believe this was God's intention, or do you think it was Paul writing his own thoughts (I know there is a debate about this, but I wanted your opinion)? The reason being, could this affect how we as Christians have been taught to think of non-Christians? Just another question.

I didn't know the first one would bring so many thought-provoking responses, but I appreciate it ladies!
It doesn't change how I see nonChristians. Jesus hung out with the "scum of the earth" the people everyone hated. If I as a Christian wouldn't be caught dead having a nonsaved person over for dinner for instance then I have missed His message. I do believe in "hanging out" with nonChristians but it is a ministry. I would relate to an unbeliever in an entirely different way. An unbeliever would not/could not be my best friend but can we go shopping together, can we share a meal........for sure. :)

Not because I'm better but I'm not compromising for the sake of relationship(and eventuall no matter how "good" that unsaved person is, something in their life will cause you to compromise IF you let it) so just as some came to Jesus and received what He had to say others sadly walked away because they weren't willing to make adjustments in their life to walk with the Lord.

Jesus' inner circle was made up of people who believed He was Lord and lived a life accordingly(accept for Judas obviously). Jesus is the bridegroom and "the church" is the bride. Now, why is it that not just anyone can be a bride of Christ? You have to believe before you become a part of Him. If Jesus says that believers are His bride, though He ministered to everyone ,then do you really think He would want a believer to take an unbeliever as sposue?
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alexstin said:
It doesn't change how I see nonChristians. Jesus hung out with the "scum of the earth" the people everyone hated. If I as a Christian wouldn't be caught dead having a nonsaved person over for dinner for instance then I have missed His message. I do believe in "hanging out" with nonChristians but it is a ministry. I would relate to an unbeliever in an entirely different way. An unbeliever would not/could not be my best friend but can we go shopping together, can we share a meal........for sure. :)

Not because I'm better but I'm not compromising for the sake of relationship(and eventuall no matter how "good" that unsaved person is, something in their life will cause you to compromise IF you let it) so just as some came to Jesus and received what He had to say others sadly walked away because they weren't willing to make adjustments in their life to walk with the Lord.

Jesus' inner circle was made up of people who believed He was Lord and lived a life accordingly(accept for Judas obviously). Jesus is the bridegroom and "the church" is the bride. Now, why is it that not just anyone can be a bride of Christ? You have to believe before you become a part of Him. If Jesus says that believers are His bride, though He ministered to everyone ,then do you really think He would want a believer to take an unbeliever as sposue?

I agree with this. As a believer, Jesus is the most important person in my life. If I were to choose an unbeliever, then we would not have much in common because I try to live my everyday life based on the Word of God, I love God passionately, and I'd want the person I'd become "one" with to share my passion. I'd want my husband to encourage and lead me in my faith. I'd find it hard to obey God and submit to a man who is not submissive to God. I just don't see how it could work for me. That is why Paul asks what light has in common with darkness. The Bible also states "Can 2 walk together unless they be agreed?"
sithembile said:
I agree with this. As a believer, Jesus is the most important person in my life. If I were to choose an unbeliever, then we would not have much in common because I try to live my everyday life based on the Word of God, I love God passionately, and I'd want the person I'd become "one" with to share my passion. I'd want my husband to encourage and lead me in my faith. I'd find it hard to obey God and submit to a man who is not submissive to God. I just don't see how it could work for me. That is why Paul asks what light has in common with darkness. The Bible also states "Can 2 walk together unless they be agreed?"

ITA! Why put yourself in a situation like that where the end result will be nothing but conflicts. Christianity is not a religion, it should be a way of life. So how can two people live two separate lives in harmony when they should be in unity?
Interesting thread. I couldn't be married to a non-believer. I've been in a non-marriage relationship with one, and it was a complete mess.

However, it may work for some people. It may be ordained for some, for ministry purposes, and I am not one to judge that.

I also agree that some scriptures are taken out of context, but I'll leave that be.

BTW ladies, husbands and wives are to submit to eachother.:)
lauren450 said:
Interesting thread. I couldn't be married to a non-believer. I've been in a non-marriage relationship with one, and it was a complete mess.

However, it may work for some people. It may be ordained for some, for ministry purposes, and I am not one to judge that.

I also agree that some scriptures are taken out of context, but I'll leave that be.

BTW ladies, husbands and wives are to submit to eachother.:)

Thanks for all the replies! By the way Lauren, your hair is amazing (sorry off-topic)!
cocoberry10 said:
Do you all believe this is possible? I am not married yet, but I wonder if God would only put me with a Christian. I know we are to love our neighbors.

So, do you all believe that the right person could be Muslim or some other faith? I know the Christian ministers would say no, but I know couples who have had successful marriages, but are not of the same faith.

I belive that it is possible for God to show you someone who is to be your spouse who is not a Christian or saved. But that doesn’t mean you go and date them and marry them, because we as believers must line everything up with the Word of God and his timing or season for the matter (Ecc. 3:1).

The scripture gives clear warning against marrying unbelievers, so the God-sent spouse would need to be a believer before dating and especially before marriage. In the OT, this command was given to the children of Israel in the Deut 7:3-4 not to marry foreignors, and is reiterated in other sections as well. Not only do we see the devastating affects of when great leaders of the Bible do this like Sampson, Solomon, and Ahab, but when you peruse the scripture, you see clear examples of when God’s people chose to be disobedient and married people who did not serve God, and the devastating effects it had on them and their seed (i.e. Judges 3, 1 Kings 11, Ezra 10, etc.). In the NT, Paul addresses in the letters to the church at Corinth (1 and 2 Corinthians) how to deal and handle issues of sexual immorality and marriage in the church. We have the scripture that tells us not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers (2 Cor 6), which is not specifically about marriage, but is inclusive of any area where you will be bonded with an unbeliever, which includes marriage along with certain business deals, fellowships, etc, that would lead you to compromise your relationship with God. When animals like oxen are yoked (bonded) together, it was done so that there strength could be used together. When two animals are yoked together equally, they can use their strength together and more work can be accomplished with them working together. However, when you have two oxen that are not equally yoked, the two actually work against each other and the slower ox can actually break the back of the stronger because of the strain. Marriage is a life yoke. If you marry someone who doesn’t believe, the same effect that happens with the unequally yoked oxen is the same thing that happens in marriage.
BerrySweet said:
This a such a good thread, and everyone is getting along so well. I believe I could be with someone who was non-Christian, but best believe my children will be Christian. If that wouldn't work, then the relationship wouldn't. I'm all for everyone believing what they choose, but for as long as I can' I'll show my children my beliefs.

How can you guarantee that you children will be Christian? Even 2 believers together can't guarantee that one. If you marry someone who is not a believer, they will have equal opportunity to raise their children in their belief system as you do. Even if the person "guarantees" that before you marry, that they will allow their children to be raised in a Christian household, that is highly likely to change once you have children, and even if it doesn't then, your children will undoubtely ask questions to your spouse, and their answers might not reflect what the Bible says.
Sweet C said:
I belive that it is possible for God to show you someone who is to be your spouse who is not a Christian or saved. But that doesn’t mean you go and date them and marry them, because we as believers must line everything up with the Word of God and his timing or season for the matter (Ecc. 3:1).

The scripture gives clear warning against marrying unbelievers, so the God-sent spouse would need to be a believer before dating and especially before marriage. In the OT, this command was given to the children of Israel in the Deut 7:3-4 not to marry foreignors, and is reiterated in other sections as well. Not only do we see the devastating affects of when great leaders of the Bible do this like Sampson, Solomon, and Ahab, but when you peruse the scripture, you see clear examples of when God’s people chose to be disobedient and married people who did not serve God, and the devastating effects it had on them and their seed (i.e. Judges 3, 1 Kings 11, Ezra 10, etc.). In the NT, Paul addresses in the letters to the church at Corinth (1 and 2 Corinthians) how to deal and handle issues of sexual immorality and marriage in the church. We have the scripture that tells us not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers (2 Cor 6), which is not specifically about marriage, but is inclusive of any area where you will be bonded with an unbeliever, which includes marriage along with certain business deals, fellowships, etc, that would lead you to compromise your relationship with God. When animals like oxen are yoked (bonded) together, it was done so that there strength could be used together. When two animals are yoked together equally, they can use their strength together and more work can be accomplished with them working together. However, when you have two oxen that are not equally yoked, the two actually work against each other and the slower ox can actually break the back of the stronger because of the strain. Marriage is a life yoke. If you marry someone who doesn’t believe, the same effect that happens with the unequally yoked oxen is the same thing that happens in marriage.

Thanks for this perspective!
To put it simply. I think that you can have an interfaith marriage that works. You don't know who God is molding for you, or vice versa. It could be someone of no faith who finds you and you become his light and path to wanting to build his own personal relationship with God, it could also be someone of another faith. The problem, with that lies in if you are both strong in your faith and your faiths are different, that could cause problems. But I mean these are things you discuss upfront.
I am a Christian and my husband was raised a catholic. He calls himself a non-practising catholic.
When we met, I hadnt been going to church for a long time, and I still havent been going. However, I'd say from then to now, my relationship with the Lord and my understanding of who God is has grown and changed so much, and shaped me.

I dont consider my husband an unbeliever. We've had talks about what we believe as 'christians'. I'm not a catholic and I dont believe in their ways of worship/doctrine. Neither does he, but imo, he still doesnt have that personal relationship with Christ.
I'd say though, the problems that we encounter, or that he brings to the relationship would have been no different if he was a 'born again believer'. I can bet money on that.
our issues dont surround our beliefs.
I trust God for a great and prosperous marriage and I pray all the time.

I would say though that having a husband who actively seeks God's face would be a great benefit for me.

I can only speak for my marriage and relationships in the past. And although I am a Christian and we share similar beliefs about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit; we still have a lot of growing to do, and the situations I have seen God put before us to work through is a constant reminder of how much he is real in our lives and that regardless of what his organized religion is; prayer changes things, and he is moving us to trust in HIm more and more each day.
trinidarkie1 said:
I am a Christian and my husband was raised a catholic. He calls himself a non-practising catholic.
When we met, I hadnt been going to church for a long time, and I still havent been going. However, I'd say from then to now, my relationship with the Lord and my understanding of who God is has grown and changed so much, and shaped me.

I dont consider my husband an unbeliever. We've had talks about what we believe as 'christians'. I'm not a catholic and I dont believe in their ways of worship/doctrine. Neither does he, but imo, he still doesnt have that personal relationship with Christ.
I'd say though, the problems that we encounter, or that he brings to the relationship would have been no different if he was a 'born again believer'. I can bet money on that.
our issues dont surround our beliefs.
I trust God for a great and prosperous marriage and I pray all the time.

I would say though that having a husband who actively seeks God's face would be a great benefit for me.

I can only speak for my marriage and relationships in the past. And although I am a Christian and we share similar beliefs about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit; we still have a lot of growing to do, and the situations I have seen God put before us to work through is a constant reminder of how much he is real in our lives and that regardless of what his organized religion is; prayer changes things, and he is moving us to trust in HIm more and more each day.

Do you find that respect is one of the reasons your relationship is working. Even if you don't have the same "beliefs," do you think that respecting the other person's views helps?

I ask this because I would assume those of you in successful interfaith marriages have learned to respect the other person's beliefs, even if you don't agree with them.
Last, the reason I posed this question is because I wondered if God could bring two people together of different faiths, backgrounds, etc, and still make a marriage work (and still bless it). I know the bible says that if one spouse if faithful and the other is not, then the unbelieving spouse is saved by the saved spouse's faith (1 Corinthians 7:14For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy.).

I know we shouldn't look for people of other faiths, but I wondered if God Himself would actually bring two people together. The more my relationship with God develops, the more I realize that His ways are soooooooooooo different from ours. It's not that I believe He would ever contradict His own word. It's just that He does things in ways that we would not expect (i.e. do you think most believers of that time would have expected Him to use a young, unmarried, lower-class woman to deliver the Messiah?).

I just believe His ways are so high, we could never understand them, even if we tried.

No I'm not married, and I'm not dating someone of a different faith. This thought just popped in my head, and I wanted to know what you all thought!
trinidarkie1 said:
I am a Christian and my husband was raised a catholic. He calls himself a non-practising catholic.
When we met, I hadnt been going to church for a long time, and I still havent been going. However, I'd say from then to now, my relationship with the Lord and my understanding of who God is has grown and changed so much, and shaped me.

I dont consider my husband an unbeliever. We've had talks about what we believe as 'christians'. I'm not a catholic and I dont believe in their ways of worship/doctrine. Neither does he, but imo, he still doesnt have that personal relationship with Christ.
I'd say though, the problems that we encounter, or that he brings to the relationship would have been no different if he was a 'born again believer'. I can bet money on that.
our issues dont surround our beliefs.
I trust God for a great and prosperous marriage and I pray all the time.

I would say though that having a husband who actively seeks God's face would be a great benefit for me.

I can only speak for my marriage and relationships in the past. And although I am a Christian and we share similar beliefs about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit; we still have a lot of growing to do, and the situations I have seen God put before us to work through is a constant reminder of how much he is real in our lives and that regardless of what his organized religion is; prayer changes things, and he is moving us to trust in HIm more and more each day.
Are Catholics not Christians?
Sweet C said:
How can you guarantee that you children will be Christian? Even 2 believers together can't guarantee that one. If you marry someone who is not a believer, they will have equal opportunity to raise their children in their belief system as you do. Even if the person "guarantees" that before you marry, that they will allow their children to be raised in a Christian household, that is highly likely to change once you have children, and even if it doesn't then, your children will undoubtely ask questions to your spouse, and their answers might not reflect what the Bible says.
Of course not one can guarntee that, but I will raise my children in a Christian household. Believe what you will.
My life revolves around God and Jesus. I try to study the word daily. And I love having people around me that love Jesus. I personally could not marry someone who is not a Christian.

A friend of mine is trying to hook me up with his godbrother. I told him that it's not going to happen because his godbrother is not a Christian. My friend says "I hear what you're saying but isn't it better to have a non-Christian that respects you and loves you than a Christian that treats you like dirt?"

I had to tell him that first of all a man that treats me like dirt is not being Christ-like. And then I asked him "Isn't it possible that God can provide me with someone who is a Christian AND loves and respects me? Why can't I have all of that?"

My uncle is Christian and has been married to my aunt for 20 years and she's Hindu. It's been working for them I guess. But just because it's working for them doesn't mean that I should put myself in that type of situation.
BerrySweet said:
Of course not one can guarntee that, but I will raise my children in a Christian household. Believe what you will.

Definately raise your children in a Christian household.

My mom has a friend that is a devout Christian and raised her son in a Christian household. He's an adult now and he doesn't believe in God at all.

It happens...It's sad but it happens.
EbonyEyes said:
My life revolves around God and Jesus. I try to study the word daily. And I love having people around me that love Jesus. I personally could not marry someone who is not a Christian.

A friend of mine is trying to hook me up with his godbrother. I told him that it's not going to happen because his godbrother is not a Christian. My friend says "I hear what you're saying but isn't it better to have a non-Christian that respects you and loves you than a Christian that treats you like dirt?"

I had to tell him that first of all a man that treats me like dirt is not being Christ-like. And then I asked him "Isn't it possible that God can provide me with someone who is a Christian AND loves and respects me? Why can't I have all of that?"

My uncle is Christian and has been married to my aunt for 20 years and she's Hindu. It's been working for them I guess. But just because it's working for them doesn't mean that I should put myself in that type of situation.

Interesting post, I like those stories!

Definately raise your children in a Christian household.

My mom has a friend that is a devout Christian and raised her son in a Christian household. He's an adult now and he doesn't believe in God at all.

It happens...It's sad but it happens.

It does, and she did her best to raise him a Christian. There's only so much you can do, free will does exist.