I'm so excited


New Member
Hey ladies, I'm about to use my Hairveda products for the 1st time and I'm so excited! :grin: I'm about to pre-poo with Vatika Frosting overnight, then tomorrow morning I'm using the Amala (sp?) shampoo followed by the Sitrinillah masque. I'm gonna use the scalp booster oil, moisturize with Whipped Cream and seal with Cocasta oil. Wish me luck. I recently used the Beauty 4 Ashes shampoo con and leave-in and wasn't really impressed. So I'm hoping I love this stuff so that I can quit searching for staples. I'll update tomorrow.
OMG yall...this stuff is the BIT-NESS! I am absolutely in :love2: with these products! I went through my usual routine of washing, deep conditioning, and blow-drying (on the cool setting) and my hair feels sooooooo soft! When I used the Beauty 4 Ashes products, it left my hair so tangled and I even had knots. But not this stuff, this is the 1st time that I actually had more shedded hairs than broken hairs (and my hair breaks like it aint no tomorrow). I guess more expensive doesn't necessarily mean better quality. THANK YOU HAIRVEDA :worship2:

BTW if this stuff ever becomes unavailable, I'm goin on a killing spree:210::lachen:
Girl I know what you mean.....I'm about to place a big order next week.....I hope she's ready for my order, I can't see myself using nothing else......