If your hair could talk, what would it say??

Mine would say...."See girl, I've been trying tell you all along that you had what it took. It took you sooooooooooooo long to listen. Im proud of you, I feel good, healthy and strong and I'm going to thank the hell out of you when you are fininshed with this bun journey...Mark my words...Oh and I love you too."
Mine would say: "Hello...Earth to Mermaid, I've been trying to tell you that a big trim was in order....Finally! Now try to grow me!"
"Don't even think about going out this weekend without washing me. Uh-uh. You think you're cute? That aint cute. You best to let that DDTA into your life, woman."

My hair is fed up.
UUUUUUUUUUH water please, I said waaater. Look, if you don't water me, I'm breaking off! :mad: Oh, thank you for finding LHCF, they know how I should be treated. And don't even think about pinning me up or pulling me into a ponytail. If you try it again, I'll break off! :( Just try me, if you think I'm joking.

And then I respond, "Um...Yes, maam." :armyhat:
My hair is a poet

You used to curl me, twirl me, burn me, heat me, beat me, defeat me.
Now you want to wet me, protect me, and resurrect me.
I will grow when I want, how I want, and to what length I want.
So stop watching, waiting, and actipating.
"Thank you for getting rid of that relaxer. I always had a nice texture, but you wanted to hide me. I was soo sad. I grew long for you because I love you, but you did not love and appreciate me. Thank you for not burning me anymore with those hot curlers. I love being back to the natural me! Now I will grow past bra strap...because I love you!!! haaaaahaaaa!!! :)

mine would say -

I know we have been through some ups and downs but now since you have started treating me better I'm ready to grow for you !! :grin:
Give me a drink I'm so thirsty. You know I can't function without proper food and drink. Why do you keep feeding me chemicals especially hair dye you know that stuff is horrible. I want some oils, butters and lovely smelling stuff. So come on give me some TLC and I'll be good to you!!!!!
You lazy, lazy thing. It's bad enough we're in this tired bun all the time, but now you wanna skip your CW and just slap that cheap Suave on us. Then you wonder why some of us are quitting (starting to break). What happened? We use to be so close. Remember our long Sunday's together? Hot oil treatments, deep conditionings, rollersets... those were the days. Come on' we're thisclose to bra strap so don't abandon us now. Oh BTW, thanks for pressing us out and showing us off last week. We had so much fun.

Your Hair Strands
My hair would say -

We're grateful for the vacation from heat tools ---- but uh, nobody said we wanted to look a HOT mess ALL the time. You sit up on this website all day looking at other people's no heat styles - git yo lazy butt up and try one already!
This is a cute thread. Mine would say:

Is'nt it funny how most of your life you were attracted to the way natural waves looked in other people's hair when all that time you had that EXACT SAME HAIR! you just never let me show my REAL self . Always pressing and perming and dying and frying! That's why I left you time and time again. Thank you for letting me just be me.Now you have the hair you've always dreamed of and I get the chance to grow and feel what its like to be LONG and HEALTHY! Geeez took ya long enough!
Mine would say:

Water! Oil! Butters! Anything....just give me some moisture!!! Then maybe I'll keep growing!


Yea right now the cold is taking a toll on my poor hair
Loved this thread. Mine would say:-

Now you listen to me... I came this far (APL) because you changed your ways n started treatin me right. If you think I'm gon' run to BSL with you blowfrying me anytime ya mind takes you, moisturising when you feel like it, n lettin yo DH tug n manipulate the hell outta me, you are dead wrong - you betta show me some love!

Now git to DC'in - AND WITH THE GOOD STUFF!!
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Thanks for letting me shine and no longer trying to chemical me into an early grave. I will reward you by making my lovely coils your crowning glory.
Thanks for taking excellent care of me, now I can grow, grow, grow! :grin:

I called myself neglecting my hair on purpose so that it would not grow so long. It only worked a little bit, but taking good care of it as I am now, it's growing, growing, and growing! My hair is loving me back :yep:
Mine would say (in a semi-sarcastic voice) :

"Okay I see what you are trying to do and I admire the effort"
Mine would say something to the affect of..

" Put ya !@$# hands in me oneeeee more time...*