**If your hair could talk, what would it say?

*Thank you for all the extra moisture
*Thank you for removing those knots and shed hair daily
*Thank you for not relaxing me anymore
*Thank you for leaving me alone.
"Why in the world did you ever put a relaxer on me? I was healthy, thick and long. Because of that relaxer and lack of care, I lost a lot of family members.

I'm glad that you finally allowed us to be our natural selves, but I can honestly say my family is not the way we used to be. I mean, there are still a lot of us left, but we lost a lot of members from RWI and II (relaxer war).

Thanks for being more attentive to our needs. We look forward to growing with you"
Don't wash me every week if you feel like it, I will bounce! Thanks for the revisiting the wild growth oil, that is the least you could do.
Wow, thanks for rollersetting your own hair and stop trimming. And another thing, stop going to so many stylist. I know you can handle me. I'm glad you found out I'm easy to get along with. Now keep me moist and oiled and I'll love you forever. :)
My hair would say

- Hey, be more gentle when you detangle me Cottlammit! :whipz:

- If you can just stay away from the creamy crack, I will be super long, healthy and gorgeous.

- Thanks for the Kenra MC!

- I think it's time to trim these knot-infested ends. :ohwell: You may not be technically BSL anymore but I will not snarl and tangle as much, promise.
My hair is a bit schitzo so maybe something like

"**More moisture please; no I didn't say moisture I said protein. oh now you think you're funny! Where's the moisture?
No combing today please; what are you crazy can't you see I'm a tangled mess here, I meant no dry combing; go get that oil, pre-poo me then jump in the shower and co-wash me; Hey, you with the comb, slow down and be gentle!" :drunk:
And on and on! Sigh, exhausting but worth it.... Kinda like my kids:rolleyes:
My hair would say..." thanks chica, for finally taking the time and energy to educate yourself on how to properly take care of me. And for letting me grow out and be all that I can be!"
My hair would say:

"Hi, my name is ShantWhite's hair, and I'm an alcoholic :sad:. I was clean (but dried up) for 38 years until I met LHCF and this pusher (moisture PJism) got the best of me :spinning:. Now I'm in a twelve-step program run by this chick named Traycee. Hopefully her teachings will help me K.I.S.S. this heavy addiction goodbye! :yep:"
and when I stopped using relaxers :kiss3:

I'M FREE AT LAST:antlers: :locks: :hair::afro:
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Encores hair to Encore ---> " Dont ever sleep with a dry head on a cotton pillowcase, you see that hair on the bed!! thats breakage. Get a protective style and leave me alone so I can heal !!"
"Just keep the moisture level up and you and I will get along just fine". The nerve:rolleyes:
Thank u for deciding to go natural, if you treat me good, take your vitamins, exercise and eat good, I promise to grow as fast as I can...
I'm not speaking to you right now. Get back to me when you finish your PS kick. Oh and gimme some leave in while I'm waiting
"Thank you for moving me to the rain forest... for a minute I thought we were going to permenantly take up residence in the Sahara Desert!!!"... ur welcome hair!

"Thank you. I really do love your constant massages, but you're going a bit over boad these days.".... hmm ill have to keepthat in mind. I love you too hair.