If your hair could talk...


Well-Known Member
What would it say? (Sorry if this has been done already) Mine would say:
"Get your hands off of me"
"Thank God you put that flat iron down"
"Sometimes all I need is a rinse"
"Stop ripping my single strand knots out, just cut them"

Its just for fun ladies, good or bad- what would yours say?
LoL. My hair would say: "Spoil me and give me nothing but the best shampoos and conditioners. Stroke and massage me and the scalp every night. Prepoo and deep condition me at every wash. Sell that CHI and all 3 of your curling irons never use them on me again!":lachen:
My hair woud say:
"Thank you for being patient with me through my dry spell, I appreciate you giving me the very best" :hug2:
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My hair would say:
Thank god you finally caught on and gave me moisture..I was dehydrated:lick:
You always cover me up....You never take me out:sad:
Why am I always wet...You never give me a chance to dry:rolleyes:
Stop touching me before I press charges
Thank you for co-washing:lick:
Your NG is not a toy :naughty:
Thank you for discovering moisture products:clapping:

I'm hoping it's also saying::pray:
I'm going to cooperate fully and whole heartedly with you for the remaining 4 months of your stretch.
"Thank you for joining the hair board and am so full of moisture and I am am so strong thanks to the Henna. Now that I am happy I will make you happy and finally grow"

She is growing so fast and thick for me yall I think we can be BFFs now.
Either touch my roots up or cut my ends off. Contrary to what you may think, this looks good on no one. :look:
Mine would say "I used to be so long and beautiful, but you abused me and now you have the nerve to be mad that I'm not as pretty as I used to me. I feel like I'm in a bad marriage and I want a divorce"
Don't you want to wash me for the nth time this week? No don't worry it is good for me. I NEED THAT DEEP CONDITION, DANGIT!!!

I AM growing, but you keep pulling me out so how are you going to see it? Watched pot, K. I am a watched pot.

I am glad you finally love me and realise how beautiful I am. I forgive you for all the hate.

I think your products plainly are not working. I know you were raised not to waste anything, but what are you going to do? Please, switch. For me? I love you.
Lol @ the responses! Mine would say "Thanks for giving me a fresh new start, the relaxer was'nt working for me" :)
This thread is fun. My hair would say,"Thank you for finally putting down the flat iron and blow dryer because it was hurting me. I like being twisted up and left alone so I can mingle with myself" :)
My hair would say something along the lines of "Thank you for releasing me from the WEAVE demon!" and "Stop faking it and try growing it."
I was a weave junkie for years. Now I am addicted to the creamy crack. Not sure if I am ready to go natural yet.
1 -- What the blue hayle were you thinking leaving that Hello Hydration at your mom's house? You know they're gonna use it all.

2 -- I like this cowashing thing, you should do it more often. Say what? You're already doing it every day? Well...MAKE IT TWICE A DAY!

3 -- When are you gonna redo those senegalese twists? I was lookin' GOOD, girl...
My hair would say:

- Thank God, you FINALLY learned some hair care! I lost so many of my buddies when you were ignorant; many of them died from plain ole thirst.:nono:
- I sure don't miss that flat iron and blow dryer.:nono: What were you thinking?
- I noticed that you don't take me out to salons anymore; I like that it's just the two of us now. :love:
- I get excited with I see that cool, VO5 conditioner coming at me.:lick:
- So glad you got a clue about puttin' them scissors down...can't grow if you keep cuttin' me, see?:rolleyes:

My hair has a big mouth!
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- Thank God, you FINALLY learned some hair care! I lost so many of my buddies when you were ignorant; many of them died from plain ole thirst.:nono:

your hair read my hair's mind!

my hair would say, "thank goodness you gave up coloring me. if you work with me, i will work with you."
I'm sure my hair's happy I ended the affair with the blow dryer too... and the seamed combs... and the cone-ridden regime... grease, pink oil, dye (with bleach)...

sounds like we got a lot of happy hair on this board!!
Hey Terri Check it Out: I told you six months before I decided to ALL FALL OUT that I was getting ready to leave, be ghost, and that I was getting tired of that:flyingwit that you had working on me and her attitude and substandard haircare practices. She disrespected me and she was just taking your $. But since you didn't listen: I'm Peace Out.

I bet next time I try to tell you something, you'll listen.:ohwell: So have fun becoming a DIY, make sure you learn something from the Ladies on LHCF and maybe I'll show back up and do my thang, if you treat me right.:rolleyes:
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