I need you guys.....


Well-Known Member
Can you ladies please keep me in your prayers? I have started my real estate classes and I need prayer. I haven't did the school thing in awhile, so I am trying to get my mind readjusted to this. I am working full time and I am very active in the ministry but I do not want this to take priority over my commitment and devotion to God, but I also want to do well in this as well.........so please keep me lifted in prayer...thanks! ladies
Joshua 1:8
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

I believe that your heart is of God and that you have the prospective in the things of God. I know he would not suffer you to fail in ANY area of you life! Be blessed and continue serving, studying and growing in Him and HE WILL prosper you!
Said a prayer for you. Don't slack in any of the course, the test is hard, so study as much as you can early on.
Proverbs 22:29
Do you see a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before obscure men.

Study hard, and everytime you open that book, do it heartily as unto the Lord (Colossians 3:23). You can glorify him with your studies too. I pray you shine on that test, and do well! Be diligent and it will happen lady! Praying for you!
Praying that all goes well and that you are successful in your endeavors at school. It is hard balancing school with everything else, but God will give you the strength. I will be praying that all goes well.
You are blessed with the mind of Christ and the heart of God the Father. All things which pertain to your success will not be withheld from you. Namely, the desires of your heart.

You dear one are blessed with all wisdom and knowledge to keep you in God's perfect peace and understanding.

In Jesus' Name...

Amen and Amen.