I haven't seen one flake all week.


Well-Known Member
I have always had a serious dandruff issue. I am sure it is eczema of the scalp. My sister and I have the same issue. I know its not a fungus. I think relaxers affect my scalp and make my scalp dry hence the dandruff. I have been doing two things.

1). When I clarify and shampoo, I dilute it and I apply with an applicator bottle. I let it sit for a few minutes so it can work my scalp and hair and then rinse. I then fill the applicator bottle with pure water and rinse my scalp 3 times. I also rinse with the applicator bottle and water after I condition. So after shampooing and DCing my hair is clean and moisturized but my scalp has no build up.

2). My ghetto concoction. I mixed some unrefined coconut oil and pure tea tree oil. I used a fork to "wisk" it and did not measure. I was heavy with the tea tree and you can really smell it in the mixture but thats ok for me. I then needed a container to put this concoction in. All of our rubbermaid containers in my house were missing lids:wallbash:. So I took an old small bottle of sulfur 8, scooped out the product, and thoroughly cleaned the container. I added my mixture to it (Didn't feel like driving to the store for containers) lol Surprisingly, the next morning, the mixture was the perfect consistency. Usually coconut oil lumps up, but this formed perfectly and was the perfect consistency. I applied this to my scalp 2 times this week and have not seen 1 flake and it felt sooo good on my scalp and absorbed very nicely.

Just wanted to share:grin:
That's great! I know you're super excited to be rid of those annoying flakes!

I loooove coconut oil, it's one of two oils that my hair and scalp can tolerate. It's so thin, absorbs easily and the smell is so yummy :lick:
How do you get the coconut oil to maintain it's consistency- (not solidify at room temp?)

Its hard to explain the texture. It isn't lumpy like it is before I whisk it. I think the tea tree oil and the tight space of the small container help. It is really spreadable. First I whisked the coconut oil by itself and then slowly added the tea tree oil until it was the consistency I desired.
Its hard to explain the texture. It isn't lumpy like it is before I whisk it. I think the tea tree oil and the tight space of the small container help. It is really spreadable. First I whisked the coconut oil by itself and then slowly added the tea tree oil until it was the consistency I desired.


Thank you for the input!
I think I may go and mix some tea tree oil in my lil container of coconut oil.......off to the health store lol

does WGO help with dandruff??
I have pretty horrible dandruff. I have some un refined coconut oil and tea tree oil. Would you say the ratio was 50/50? If not, could you estimate? I was told tea tree oil can be irritating if its not diluted enough. Thanks in advance!
Hmm I would say that It was definitely not 50/50. Thats way too much! The container I used was 4 oz. I just about filled it all the way. So I would estimate it was almost 4 oz of unrefined coconut oil and about maybe 7-10 drops of pure tea tree oil. I used enough of the tea tree oil to make the coconut oil the consistency I wanted-which was like hair grease, but not as heavy. It smells more like tea tree oil than coconut, but it still has a nutty smell. HTH!
I'm over here gettin my experiment on and what not...so I filled my little 2 oz container with coconut oil and added about a half teaspoon probably less (I kinda eyeballed it) and mixed it together to create a kind of hair grease/cream mixture and applied it to my scalp and did a scalp massage...mmmm mmmm :lick: my hair smells like gingerbread cookies! and as an added bonus my NG is super soft and hair is blingin!! definitely a keeper!!
I'm over here gettin my experiment on and what not...so I filled my little 2 oz container with coconut oil and added about a half teaspoon probably less (I kinda eyeballed it) and mixed it together to create a kind of hair grease/cream mixture and applied it to my scalp and did a scalp massage...mmmm mmmm :lick: my hair smells like gingerbread cookies! and as an added bonus my NG is super soft and hair is blingin!! definitely a keeper!!

...And it feels soooo good on the scalp! lol:grin: