How often do you use Aphogee protein treatment?


Well-Known Member
So...I had a mini breakdown last weekend. I saw that my nape was breaking off again, and this random piece in my head was just broken off down to one inch...and I just took some scissors and was about to BC but I ended up just chopping off my nape down to one inch. I ended up buying the Aphogee protein treatment, but was scared to use it, but my hair was just falling out as it does when I'm stressed out. So I used it and it decreased the shedding and breakage (I have both) from 30 to a whole patch of hair to about 8-10 strands. So how often can I use this to decrease shedding and breakage? I was thinking every two weeks.

Also, I heard that if the hair is damaged it will break off eventually, the protein treatments just strengthen the hair for a while, but if the hair is damaged, it will break off, but just at a slower pace. ...this may be a dumb question...and yes I've been on LHCF for almost two years if it is...LOL...
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... when i use to use it, i did it when my hair needed it. i didn't plan a protein treatment cause plenty of members and hair gurus will say dont plan it, your hair will tell you when it needs it. It never worked on my hair so i went to a mild protein (cholesterol) and it works wayy better on the new growth.
Relaxed and natural I did/do in on a schedule with no issues.

It depends on what your hair likes or needs. Some hair can't even stand strong protein. Relaxed hair tends to need it more than relaxed.

Your regimen also has a lot to do with it.

My hair is DCed SEVEN days a week with an extra deep treatment on the weekend. Therefore I do the Aphogee Two Step Treatment twice a month, every two weeks on schedule.

If you DC once a month you may need to step up your DCing before even using such a hard treatment. It may help to post your regimen for more pointed replies.

Bumping for you.:yep:
So...I had a mini breakdown last weekend. I saw that my nape was breaking off again, and this random piece in my head was just broken off down to one inch...and I just took some scissors and was about to BC but I ended up just chopping off my nape down to one inch. I ended up buying the Aphogee protein treatment, but was scared to use it, but my hair was just falling out as it does when I'm stressed out. So I used it and it decreased the shedding and breakage (I have both) from 30 to a whole patch of hair to about 8-10 strands. So how often can I use this to decrease shedding and breakage? I was thinking every two weeks.

Also, I heard that if the hair is damaged it will break off eventually, the protein treatments just strengthen the hair for a while, but if the hair is damaged, it will break off, but just at a slower pace. ...this may be a dumb question...and yes I've been on LHCF for almost two years if it is...LOL...

If you use the aphogee treatment any sooner than 1x every 6 weeks it wont do anything extra i believe their website or the product says....But i've used it 1x a month or 1x every 2 months for breakage

Every week you can use a milder treatment like aphogee 2 min or joico kpak if you think your hair needs more protien for breakage

For shedding i've seen posts about the garlic treatments/shampoos

I would like to hear some answers to your question as thinking that with protein treatments you can use them to constantly fill in damaged spots in your hair...but if you dont use them....Will your hair then break off? Do you need them? Maybe thats the purpose of deepconditoning weekly and if your hair is damaged you need to do weekly, 2x monthly or whatever light-hard protien treatments
i started using aphogee in april of this year and i average about every 6 weeks. i do them in between sew-ins to strenthen my hair and prevent breakage while i'm transitioning. if i had known about this earlier i would have probably stopped much of the bad breakage i had around the 7-8th month mark. thank God for lhcf :)