How do you measure your new growth?

Ms. Plain Jane

New Member
Whenever there's a post about stretching relaxers, someone mentions that they have XYZ amount of new growth. How do you measure your new growth? The way that I can think of to accurately measure your new growth is to take a strand that has fallen out and measure from where the bulb ends to where the curl pattern becomes more straight.

Am I correct?

How do you measure your new growth?


Old School Member
Honestly, I just take a ruler and place it on my scalp, stretch out some hair and measure at the line of demarcation. I thought this is what everyone does.


New Member
If i can't find my ruler I use my fingers, 2 fingers width equals an inch for me. (yes I have big man hands), lol:lachen:


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies! I've also wondered how to properly measure NG. Are you ladies stretching the hair before measuring or are you leaving it shrunken? For example, if you said that your hair has growth an inch, would you mean after it's stretched, or would you mean an inch unstretched?