How do you maintain straight hair at night?


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies

I'm textlaxed and usually wear my hair in pincurls and have a curly look everyday. I should be relaxing my hair this week and will be wearing it straight for a few days. Other than wrapping, how do I maintain a straight style?
Have you tried just putting it into a bun on the top of your head? Works great for me.
I will wrap my hair. I will m&s and put my scarf, put on bonnet and tuck ends into bonnet. I recently came across fgrogan youtube video about how she keeps her BSL hair straight and without dents. Link below. She m&s then she'll tie her her scarf around her hair with the hair dangling down enclosed and protected within the scarf. I can't do this yet because I have a smaller square scarf, but I plan to buy a larger satin square scarf this weekend to try this out.

Btw, she gets her scarf from :

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Yes a scarf like fgrogan uses or even something similar to the scarves here - I have a cheaper version and it's I suck at posting pics sorry:)
No kink from the elastic, just a bit of a wave from being twisted. (I don't make a tight ponytail, the elastic is just doubled once).
Have you tried just putting it into a bun on the top of your head? Works great for me.

This is what I do when I wear my natural hair straightened. I just gathered it into a loose bun on top or in the nape area. Then in the morning, I just fluff out my hair with my fingers. No combing.
No kink from the elastic, just a bit of a wave from being twisted. (I don't make a tight ponytail, the elastic is just doubled once).
I agree there's no kink. I use a satin covered elastic and put my hair in a high ponytail. Then I roll the ponytail around my finger and pin the hair in place. This gives shape to the style once it's let down. If I want my hair fuller, I'll split the ponytail into two or more sections and roll and pin each one. (You can tell I'm not a fan of flat, pin-straight hair!)

Here's the kind of elastic I use.
I agree there's no kink. I use a satin covered elastic and put my hair in a high ponytail. Then I roll the ponytail around my finger and pin the hair in place. This gives shape to the style once it's let down. If I want my hair fuller, I'll split the ponytail into two or more sections and roll and pin each one. (You can tell I'm not a fan of flat, pin-straight hair!)

Here's the kind of elastic I use.

Thanks ladies! Any pics of the high pony result?