How do you know...


New Member
...I always see a lot of people saying that their hair is coated or has buildup, or heavy, or this or my question is:

How do you know if your hair:

a) is coated
b) needs to be clarified
c) is weighed down

I'm sure there are more that I'll be adding to the list!
For me, it's when my hair just doesn't seem to "act right" no matter what I do. It feels and looks kind of blah and products that usually work wonderfully aren't doing jack
My hair is naturally fine textured, w/ medium density, so this how I can tell the following:

a.) coated--A dead giveaway is my scalp. If my scalp has a yuck feeling even if my hair is relatively clean, I know that I have put too much product on. Also, it looks finer/thinner than normal and if I rub my hand over the surface and my finger ends up greasy, I've gone too far. Usually when my hair is coated its more of a 'feel' than visual appearance.

b.) needs clarifying--my hair, ESPECIALLY the ends are unusually crunchy. It seems like even the best of my products don't work anymore, and a day after I wash and condition its dry again even if I've moisturized properly etc. I can't get it shiny and it looks dull, dry. I also begin to notice breakage. Clarifying corrects this problem for me because the buildup is preventing moisture from reaching the hair strand properly.

c) Weighed down--no bounce or volume, has that stiff appearance OR flat, little to no swing. Pretty much goes hand in hand with coated.

this is my personal view on these....HTH!
Like Supergirl said, it's usually when my hair isn't acting right. Plus, since I use a lot of products that contain cones, I know I must clarify on a regular basis. Always works for me.
I never did know until I clarified once and saw the difference! My hair felt light and had more swing and now I know that when it looses that feeling, it's time to clarify (about twice a month for me)