How do you fight the urge to use heat!?


Well-Known Member
You girls help me! I haven't straightened my hair in a little over a month, and I thought I was doing good...but them I saw Gabby Union on the cover of People Mag with her hair nice and straight, and the urge just hit me!

I want to flat iron it so bad, but I'm trying to stay away from heat.

Somebody talk me out of it :lachen:
Have you tried rollersetting followed by a silk wrap? For those that are relaxed, that gets the hair pretty sleek I've noticed
Have you tried rollersetting followed by a silk wrap? For those that are relaxed, that gets the hair pretty sleek I've noticed

I've tried...and failed lol That's why I always flat iron it because it's the only thing I really know how to do!
- I think about how much damage it does, even when your hair is still retaining, mid-shaft splits and split ends are ugly :perplexed

- I think of that burnt flat-iron smell that I hate

- I quickly remind myself of the fact that my hair looks fuller and feels softer when no heat is used

- I think of all the manipulation and falling hair that can occur when blow-drying and flat-ironing

- I think of how much work it is to blow-dry and flat-iron, I'm lazy

- I like to feel like I'm not dependent on heat for styling purposes

- I think of how much I miss my air-dried hair when I go to the salon and the hair dresser uses a blow-drier and a round brush to get it pin straight
- I think about how much damage it does, even when your hair is still retaining, mid-shaft splits and split ends are ugly :perplexed

- I think of that burnt flat-iron smell that I hate

- I quickly remind myself of the fact that my hair looks fuller and feels softer when no heat is used

- I think of all the manipulation and falling hair that can occur when blow-drying and flat-ironing

- I think of how much work it is to blow-dry and flat-iron, I'm lazy

- I like to feel like I'm not dependent on heat for styling purposes

- I think of how much I miss my air-dried hair when I go to the salon and the hair dresser uses a blow-drier and a round brush to get it pin straight

The bolded! My hair does come out when I flat iron it! And it takes forever to do, those are good things to remember!
I sold my flat iron on ebay.

You're good! I could never do that, whenever my hair starts acting crazy, I always resort to straightening it, if I didn't have it idk what I would do.

This is sad, I'm like really addicted to heat! I want to wait until December, I trying to think about how healthy my hair will be if I wait!
I don't.

I know, not helpful at all. When I'm too lazy to get that sleek look myself, I walk my butt a few blocks to the Dominican salon and cough up $20. In terms of the split ends, strands coming out, etc I'm really gentle with the blow drying and flat ironing and use producs that aresupposed to strengthen and benefit my hair when activated by heat.

Like I said, not helpful :nono:
The bolded! My hair does come out when I flat iron it! And it takes forever to do, those are good things to remember!
Yeah ugh, I have 2 blow-driers, a curling iron, and a flat iron - they're starting to collect dust. I'm just not about all that work especially since doing my hair is so therapeutic to me. Just think of all the negatives and it should help you through the hump of not using heat. Also, I like the results I get with my air-dried hair. See what I do is, I air-dry my hair then when it's fully dry I put it in two buns that are twisted and sleep with it. Next morning, I get pretty waves that look more interesting than flat straight hair. I don't know if that technique will help you but it did me.
Honestly, I have NO idea how I did it. I help at all :lol:. Honestly, I just stop wanting too. I air dry 100% of the time now and that was unheard of about a year ago. I blow dried weekly and flat iron pretty much whenever I saw fit. Nowadays, I usually only flat iron when I texlax, which is every 10 or more weeks. :perplexed I'm going to assume that the more you go without the easier it will become. Trust me IT DOES get easier. :) HTH (even if only a little :lachen:)
I have a video of my hair after heat damage and several pictures. When the mood hits to use heat, I take a look at them and remember why I'm re-growing out a TWA instead of being at BSL this year. :(
I don't have heating appliances around me so have no choice, you better give away your heating appliances or tell someone to hold it for you until you have went numerous weeks without it
I offer up my flat ironing services to those in my family who like to wear their hair straight. The urge leaves super fast once I start the straightening process :/
You girls are giving me good tips, even the ones that say you're no help haha!

I should't flat iron my hair because:

1.It could damage my hair
I've grown my hair to bsl and beyond within the last couple of years, but I never reach my goal of waist length because I damage my ends and have to cut back to APL. I'm closing in on WL now and I really want to get their by early next year.

2.The longer I go without heat, the less I'll need it
It's been a month and if I keep going I'll form a habit of not flat-ironing my hair!

3.There are other ways to achieve a semi straight look!

4.It takes like 2 hours

If I can't handle the urge I will either flat iron my sister's hair, or give my mom all my heat tools so she can hide them...I can do this! :)
Danniquin said:
You're good! I could never do that, whenever my hair starts acting crazy, I always resort to straightening it, if I didn't have it idk what I would do.

This is sad, I'm like really addicted to heat! I want to wait until December, I trying to think about how healthy my hair will be if I wait!

Girl you know I'm right there with you... But I'm so dedicated I'm shocking myself. I knew I was going out tonight so I got up super early to co-wash, DC and flexi set (on about 75% dry hair). Hair was so full of life. Retaining that thickness and increasing my length will come a lot easier since I've eliminated direct heat.
Aireen said:
Yeah ugh, I have 2 blow-driers, a curling iron, and a flat iron - they're starting to collect dust. I'm just not about all that work especially since doing my hair is so therapeutic to me. Just think of all the negatives and it should help you through the hump of not using heat. Also, I like the results I get with my air-dried hair. See what I do is, I air-dry my hair then when it's fully dry I put it in two buns that are twisted and sleep with it. Next morning, I get pretty waves that look more interesting than flat straight hair. I don't know if that technique will help you but it did me.

This is exactly what I do when I wash. Then in the morning I take my wide tooth comb and gently comb through it. So much body and luster. The bun, coupled with a satin scarf on my edges, stretches my hair wonderfully.
Like others have stated for me straight up laziness. It would take me 2/12 to three hours to flat iron i have thick hair I would have to start early in the morning so I dont take almost the whole day. I always miss my curls after 2 days and wash it out.
ctosha said:
Like others have stated for me straight up laziness. It would take me 2/12 to three hours to flat iron i have thick hair I would have to start early in the morning so I dont take almost the whole day. I always miss my curls after 2 days and wash it out.

This! When I tell other people non LHCF they so don't understand my struggle.
Have you thought about getting a sew-in or wearing a wig? I generally have short hair urges so to help I either get a quick weave or wear a pixie cut wig. This relieves my urges and I don't cut my hair.
I literally had to go cold turkey, like the junkie I was. After a long detox period, and only air drying, I stopped wanting to put any heat to it. Now, I might blow my roots dry cause it's cold, but that's about it.
I'm too lazy to flat iron, blow dry, etc., so that's my self-motivation right there. LOL

I second that lol. I've never been the type to put any effort into straightening my own hair even before I started my HHJ. Therefore, heat has never really been an issue for me.

OP, have you ever thought about doing a Protective style that will allow you room for Flat-Ironing when needed without causing damage to your own hair? (i.e Sew-ins/Partial Sew-Ins etc....)
I say give in to the craving! Do it do it do it! LOL

Sent from my iPhone 10 using LHCF

hahaha you're no good! If I do give in, I'm gonna try to wait until I'm going out or something at least!

Have you thought about getting a sew-in or wearing a wig? I generally have short hair urges so to help I either get a quick weave or wear a pixie cut wig. This relieves my urges and I don't cut my hair.

OP, have you ever thought about doing a Protective style that will allow you room for Flat-Ironing when needed without causing damage to your own hair? (i.e Sew-ins/Partial Sew-Ins etc....)

I never had a sew in before, but I have been thinking about, so I can just leave my hair alone!
Ill have pics to remind me how my twists and twist out look pathetic. Not worth it. I see all these naturals on Instagram with the best twist outs EVER and that is why...

BTW I have my own challenge of no heat until 2014!
And I guess it helps that SO prefers me natural over straight. Our first date I was straight and that also as the last time. He said he was so disappointed to see it straight. Lol
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