Hip–Tailbone Length (HL–TBL) 2014 Challenge!

Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

Is it too late to join?? :look:
My goal is full MBL by December but the MBL challenge is closed :ohwell:

- Current length + hair type
: BSL. Relaxed. 4b, 4c
- Regimen: Cowash once a week, wash once a week. Tea rinse after each wash. Moisturize and seal every other day. Take vitamins everyday. Very simple regimen.
- Plans to get to HL:

PROTECTIVE STYLES (Bunning, half-wigs and braidouts)
-HL goal date: Not confident but hope by Dec of 2014
- Plans once HL is achieved: Most likely will cut it to waist length so I can achieve fuller hair.

start.JPG - This was my hair when I first join the board in January of 2007. It was a damaged mess. I was able to grow it to one inch above waist-length by Dec of 2010. Then I experienced my first big setback. (Tip: Do not go to the Dominicans with 6 months worth of new-growth :nono:).

firstsetback.JPG - So this was 3 months after my first setback. It was looking so much better, so I decided to not give up and start all over. This was on April of 2011.

jan2012.JPG - So my hair was doing pretty well until I decided to get scissor happy again and cut it back to shoulder length. I love my hair like this, full of body. :lick:. That was on January of 2012.

now.JPG - And finally my hair now, took this pic on January of 2013, permed my hair in March but did not retain any length :sad:. So still at BSL.

Happy Growing Everybody!!!!!:band:
Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

I'd like to join! I've been watching this thread the entire time, but I only recently renewed my subscription :drunk:.

-Current length + hair type
MBL; 3c/4a, 4a, 4b; kinky both medium and fine strands; medium density
- Regimen
I still haven't figured out the my regimen for longer hair :spinning:. Recently I've been cowashing 1-3x/week, shampooing or ACV rinse 1x/week, doing a homemade DC once a week. Styles have been very random, which is a problem I've hopefully solved (currently still a problem)

- Plans to get to HL
EDIT: I don't really have a plan yet :ohwell:
- HL goal date
Dec. 31, 2014
- Plans once HL is achieved
I may straighten, but I might be too lazy for that :lol:. I'll really enjoy PSing since my braids will be longer and buns bigger :grin:. HL is my final goal, but I'll let it keep growing if it wants.
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Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

:peek: Just poking my head in to drool over all of these beautiful heads of hair! Tipping back out now...
Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

I had to cut a few inches from my ends, so I'm no longer MBL :sad: (more like barely BSL). I don't know how possible HL is for me now, but I'm going to remain in this challenge and stay hopeful. I will be PSing and avoiding heat for a little bit. I'll see how much retention I get in that time. If it looks good, I'll keep it up for a longer period of time. I really REALLY was hoping to get to WL by the end of this year.



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Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

Just poking my head in to say you ladies' hair is amazing in particularly mayoo your hair is sickening

Did a random length check yesterday... but as you guys can see, this fool was wearing the wrong type of clothing smh. Can't see anything.
gonna re-do it in a couple of days :)
Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

Can we still join?

- Current length + hair type-
I think I'm around a BSL, 3B hair type, and I also have fine hair.

- Regimen
I braid my hair and put it in a bun a lot, I don't put any chemicals in my hair at all. I am recovering from bleaching my hair 3 times in one day (completely ruined my hair)..and continuing to straighten and use heat on it everyday. The top part and edges are my weaknesses.

- Plans to get to HL
Continue doing what I have been, but try to use less heat on the top and front. I also bought Phytophanere supplements, and I have been taking them for about five days now.

- HL goal date
I have no clue lol. Hopefully around october 2014 or so.

- Plans once HL is achieved
Maybe keep growing..idk, I might like it there hehe.


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Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

I would like to join! My goal is to be hip length by May 2014, my 30th B-day:yep:
Current Length: Grazing Waist Length or AT waist
Relaxed, Natural, Transitioning or Texlaxed: Texlaxed
Plans for hair once your reach W"HIP" Length (i.e., maintain, chop, grow more, etc.): Keep on growing til hip length!
Supplements taking: Hairfinity
Regimen & Products:
    • Prepoo
    Komaza Care Pona Hair and Scalp Treatment: 1 hour prior to wash with plastic cap
  • Wash
1 x week (Abba Pure Moisture, Joico Moisture Recovery, or Tresemme Moisture Rich)
  • Deep Condition Weekly under hard bonnet dryer high heat with plastic cap
    Komaza Care Olive Oil Mask<___staple!
    (may sometimes use Silk Elements Mega Moisture, Silk Elements Cholesterol, or Lustrasilk Cholesterol)
    **awaiting DB Silk Dreams, DB Shea Deaux
    Using Komaza Care Honey Comb Rejuvenator every 2 weeks
    • Scalp Oil
    NJOY Growth OIl with 4 min scalp massage daily, then plastic baggy for 1 hour (GHE)/ HairTrigger/Komaza Care Hair Nourishment Oil
  • Daily am Moisture/Seal Daily:
    LOC method (only after wash):Komaza Care Califica Leave In, then
    Scurl or Komaza Care Califica Moisture Spray, then Grapeseed Oil or Olive Oil, or JBCO, then Komaza Care Jojoba Hemp Sealant then Heavy seal with Non-Petroleum Jelly on ends especially.
    Daily Moisture and Seal:
    AM- Moisturize with Scurl or Komaza Care Califica Moisture Spray, then seal with Grapeseed or Olive Oil
    PM-Spray hair every night with Komaza Care Vitamin Regin (night)
  • Celie Braids then Wig- this has grown me to the length I am at. I can't cornrow to save my life! (Silk Skull Cap always)
    • Cowash Tresemme Moisture Rich Conditioner, Joico Moisture Recovery Conditioner, or Abba Pure Moisture Conditioner
      • Protein Treatment- Komaza Care Protein Strengthener every 1-2 months
Work out 4 times a week for 1.0 hours, 64 oz water per day!!:yep:
Starting Photo:


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Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

Okay I added everyone that wanted to be added. If I missed anyone just mention me here. I haven't been on LHCF every day. :sad:
Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

Here's a hair length chart @soldier4hair so you can look at where HL is and all the other lengths. HBL = Hip Bone Length.

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Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

UPDATE: I relaxed yesterday! I suck at waiting. Right now I'm at that BSL/MBL marker. It really doesn't feel like MBL so I'm not claiming it until my next relaxer, by then I should have the 1.5-2 inches I need to make it. (Ugh, I hate the BSL-MBL mark, it's so inconclusive.) It looks like I have 3-4 inches until WL, when I get there I can really try to confirm how many inches until HL. I'll probably make a thread when I get to WL, I've always wanted to since it was my first goal when I started posting here.

PLANS: I bought a mini Aphogee 2-Step, I'll be using it soon hopefully. After the 6-8 weeks are up, I'll be using light protein if my hair can handle it. We'll see how it goes.

This relaxer touch-up, I hardly burned. I was getting so sick of ignoring my Seborrhoeic dermatitis that I decided to actually buy some dandruff shampoos to use. They're all harsh but they do help to calm the symptoms down. I'm probably going to buy Keracare's anti-dandruff line again to use. Healthy scalp = healthy hair and I can't ignore it anymore.

I really have to up my water intake. I feel like my liver and kidneys are crying for help. :sad: I want to start back on 1 green smoothie a day or at least every other day, I miss them. Cutting out on the takeout because I feel like my body is warning me to stop overdoing the fast food. Finally, back to my supplement grind, not for hair growth but more for skin and overall health. Being presumptuous when it comes to this hair growth thing isn't for me, makes me obsessive.

THOUGHTS: I'm starting to get excited, I'm seeing my hair progress and others are taking note and complimenting me a lot. I still think it's short, hair anorexia will always be there until HL but it's growing so I'm grateful. I keep wanting to get bangs but I have to remember to wait until my hair grows out more, I don't want to do any major cuts that I will whine about later. :spinning:

Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

Shadiyah you think I can go from bsl to hl by then?

soldier4hair of course I think you can reach hl by 2014. I am bsl now also and I am trying to reach wl by the end of this yr and on to hl by 2014 some time.

I take a mulit vit and bamboo extract and nuhair. I only just started protecting styling this yr.
Shadiyah I don't know why I'm acting brand new when I joined LHCF I would peak in this thread and say wow. My back seems like it is so long. I was using boundless tresses and it is gone. I want to buy wild growth oil from the bss will look into that one or either get another tube of mn. I'm scared to let stylist put scissors anywhere near my hair really after lady butcher me.

That picture was 3-4 months ago. Will do a length check in June for my birthday.


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Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

I'm 99% sure that these braids will be out by tomorrow, which would mean that they lasted all of 4 days :lol:. Spending more than 1 hour to style my hair is a waste of time because I can't deal with not being able to stick my hands up in my hair :lick:.

I'm going to go study the techniques of long-haired ladies, because I really am at a loss on how to get past this hump :sad:.

Went back and edited my original post until I actual figure out what I'm doing.
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Shadiyah I'm sure you will. I can't believe I'm in this challenge

Aireen that's a lot of hair

Okay so I went to the Indian store got some hair growth oil. Amla and shampoo. The Indian lady recommended it.


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Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

soldier4hair - If your current growth aid doesn't work for you, I'd suggest trying NJoy's oil. It's sulfur based like the BT but much better in my opinion. I used BT & I definitely didn't get the growth I'm getting from NJoy's oil.

Shadiyah - I think you're right. I'm planning to do a length check at the end of June - the midpoint for the year.
Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

So! just updating my progress so far! I attached pictures and I gotta say I'm starting to really have faith in this no heat and moisturizing thing. lol :lachen:

Additionally I have added Vitmain A to my reggie since all the girls in brazil gave it rave reviews. IT is known as shampoo bomba! Well guys wish us all luck. We will get there soon HL.


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Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

I ordered a bunch of Shescentit products today through her Mother's Day sale. My hair's going to love me so much when it gets here :giggle: . I haven't used these products in 2 years, because I was trying to be thrifty and not have to pay for shipping. But these products are like heaven in a bottle, so the money I just spent is totally worth it.

So for now, I think that I'm going to be doing wng's (to use up my GF gels), rinsing and reapplying every 2-3 days. Once a week, I'll do a molasses and CO pre-poo, shampoo with GF Pure Clean, condition with AOBC, and comb detangle (my hair is more defined if I comb it).

Once my precious :lick: arrives, I'll start my "Get to WL and then HL" regimen :yep::

DC 1x/week with SSI Pomegranate condish (new) or Okra Recon. (alternating weeks)
Detangle and rinse in 4 twists or braids
Apply Marshmallow Hair Cream and oil after wash and do 6-8 braids with Amazon Pomade
Wear braidout clipped up, in a bun, or single braid
Moisturize during the week with Coconut Sorbet (new) and AVG
At night, but hair into 3 braids or 1 twist clipped up