Hip Length (HL) 2012!!!!

Well I had the hair dream again last night his time pulled a curl down to my hip in front to show someone the length
So I'm def making HL this year cause my mind and actions are in alignment.
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I had a little detangling issue last night that ended with me cutting my tangled braids loose. No need to get to crying about what I should'be known. :nono: Not really sure how much hair was in those knots but, I sort of like the way my ends feel after cutting. So, that said, I think there's no time like the present to start cutting these bonelaxed ends. I plan to cut 2-3 inches next week. I figure, since my hair will be put away for the winter, it will have time to grow back with out me having to achieve a longer length and then cutting back. Then, trim the last of the bonelaxed ends after the winter.

I'm tempted to cut right now but, I'm waiting til next week to let the urge to cut pass. Or, is it to get up the courage? :look:

Hopefully, I'll have a thicker HL hemline by the end of the winter after cutting.

What do you think?
Lucia, i've had a tail bone length dream with hip length in front! It's coming to pass and I'm running with it! Amen!
If you can handle losing length all at once then go for it. Chopping off the relaxed ends would put you where lengthwise.

You've had that dream too
Hey this year the dream is real
so I watched Anna Bolena on PBS last night and it starred Anna Netrebko. And her hair in the end looked so pretty and long! It got me wondering, how long do you want your hair to grow? Is hl the end?

I think i may just go for knee length. Maybe to see if i can achieve it :look: I should be able to reach that by age 28. Or however long i can go. Maybe idk. But then i was thinking how much of a bother that would be... So maybe not that but I'm going to go for full classic.


brg240 I definitely want classic length. wouldn't mind longer than that.

i'm bunning for the winter and seeing some good retention. i'm really looking forward to wearing it out. I've been planning to trim in may but maybe my ends will be in good enough condition that I won't have to

I got a lot of products on clearance that i'm really excited about
I think the conditioner will be really good for my hair this winter
You all are making me want to grow my hair but I just trimmed it, it was becoming too much to handle.
Once Im HL I'll be happy but I wouldn't mind a little extra like HL in front but TL in back
I'm not sure I'll push for classic if my hair grows more then so be it I may keep it CL but I plan to maintain in the HL-TL range. I'm a little on the tall side 5'9 and with my hairs natural thickness that's a ton of hair.
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Wow - until I joined LHCF, I didn't think my hair would grow past MBL! I now know it'll grow if I put time and effort into caring for it ... just don't know what length would be too much for me.

Definitely not knee and probably not classic. I'd end up being one of those "mature" women who wears her hair in buns or single braids.

Full tailbone appeals to me -- I like the idea of feeling my hair brushing my butt or belly. And hopefully the shrinkage wont put it at my shoulders! I'd love MBL curly hair.

I say "If you can grow it, go for it!" :lol:

so I watched Anna Bolena on PBS last night and it starred Anna Netrebko. And her hair in the end looked so pretty and long! It got me wondering, how long do you want your hair to grow? Is hl the end?

I think i may just go for knee length. Maybe to see if i can achieve it :look: I should be able to reach that by age 28. Or however long i can go. Maybe idk. But then i was thinking how much of a bother that would be... So maybe not that but I'm going to go for full classic.
Wow - until I joined LHCF, I didn't think my hair would grow past MBL! I now know it'll grow if I put time and effort into caring for it ... just don't know what length would be too much for me.

Definitely not knee and probably not classic. I'd end up being one of those "mature" women who wears her hair in buns or single braids.

Full tailbone appeals to me -- I like the idea of feeling my hair brushing my butt or belly. And hopefully the shrinkage wont put it at my shoulders! I'd love MBL curly hair.

I say "If you can grow it, go for it!" :lol:
ITA love bsl MBL curly hair it's just beautiful
I don't see why people get caught up in the
I just graduated college I need serious hair so I look more mature chop chop I'm a new mom chop off the hair or
I'm whatever age chopping off the hair will make me look more youthful it's brainwashing to me American culture is the only one that encourages women to keep their hair short like a man
Everybody else does elegant updos buns braids
I'm going to rock my length now later and when it all turns grey too

I wish I had a link to where Frederik Fekkai says that the only reason to cut hair short over 50 is if you've damaged it and never took care of it if it's healthy and you like long hair keep it long.
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Happy Monday Ladies!!!! Time for an update...I've been low manipulating it but I recently started taking some medication and the side effects include thinning/shedding hair. Therefore, I have incorporated Garlic into my vitamin regimen to hopefully combat the shedding. I am also thinking of adding Glucosamine too. How are y'all doing?

:bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy:
I just got some two strand twists done, so I don't have to worry about my hair for a while. I plan to keep them for two weeks, twist out, then get a new set. I'll probably dust too while my hair is twisted.
I trimmed an inch a week or so ago and am ready to trim another inch on Monday night.

I had to do another thorough detangling today after washing and DC'g. *sigh* I still have a section that needs detangling. I gave up. The rest of it is detangled and the sections are banded. Celie braids are not enough to keep my ng stretched. I'll definitely have to start banding to really get the root area.

I'm 41 wks post texlax so, thoroughly detangling is a hassle. I'm getting anxious to rid these bonelaxed ends, thinking that detangling would be less troublesome not having to worry about the point of demarcation and then ends tangling.

*sigh* I guess I won't be doing regular length checks since I'm trimming away my progress. But on a good note, as the thickness comes down and then bonelaxed ends are being cut, my hair should look better overall.

Headed to order a CreaClip.
It's been a good 2 weeks. The frustration I had with my hair the beginning of Jan went away! :yep: Thank goodness.

I haven't had much time to deal with my hair -- that probably helped ease the frustration, too. My hair is growing and I think faster than it was. On the other hand, I'm seeing slight breakage the past week. I'm sure it's because I haven't done protein DC and have slacked off on my daily sealing.

I'm plan to up my DC'ing and get back to routine with my vitamins and M&S. Other than that, I'm cool with daily buns or twists. Right now I'm not feeling the need to 'show it off' but after my length check Apr 1, who knows??:yep:
I haven't posted in this thread in a long time. I'm taking my senior pictures today (graduating from college in may!!!) and I'm getting my hair straightened this afternoon. I won't let her trim, but I may trim before I wash my hair and get my curls back. I'll post a picture.
I'd like to join, but I have a question: are we talking about the HL that comes just below the booty or at the curve of the hip? I haven't read through the entire thread so if this has already been answered, sorry about asking it again.

I've looked at different charts and the lables are different. Either way, I'm cool with joining. I've been using this chart. http://www.bing.com/images/search?q...B64B7FBD86201CAD9533E9D399B8D813E&FORM=IQFRBA

The pics in my sig are sort of old so I'll post a pic after I wash my hair in a few.


Current Length:Longest locs at TBL with my thickest layers at WL
Regimen: Currently using the Deep Moisture Method and wigging as my PS until it gets too hot. Then I'll keep it under headwraps and tams.
Plans: I want to even out my layers. I got scissor happy last year and now I seriously regret it. Now that I've figured out how to use wigs to switch up my style when I want a change, maybe my locs can even out- we'll see.
Hip Length Date: My longest locs with be there within the year, but it will take a while for my hemline to even out- maybe 2-3 years.
I'd like to join, but I have a question: are we talking about the HL that comes just below the booty or at the curve of the hip? I haven't read through the entire thread so if this has already been answered, sorry about asking it again.

I've looked at different charts and the lables are different. Either way, I'm cool with joining. I've been using this chart. http://www.bing.com/images/search?q...B64B7FBD86201CAD9533E9D399B8D813E&FORM=IQFRBA

The pics in my sig are sort of old so I'll post a pic after I wash my hair in a few.


Current Length:Longest locs at TBL with my thickest layers at WL
Regimen: Currently using the Deep Moisture Method and wigging as my PS until it gets too hot. Then I'll keep it under headwraps and tams.
Plans: I want to even out my layers. I got scissor happy last year and now I seriously regret it. Now that I've figured out how to use wigs to switch up my style when I want a change, maybe my locs can even out- we'll see.
Hip Length Date: My longest locs with be there within the year, but it will take a while for my hemline to even out- maybe 2-3 years.

Um, well....speaking for myself, HL is at the top of hipbone or where the hips start to flare out. Below the booty (in that first length chart pic) is classic length.

So, er, I think you're lost. I think you're looking for either the ~ TBL 2012 Challenge ~ or the TL 2011 ON AND CRAKIN thread. If your loc'd hair is hanging out at TBL, girl! I can only imagine how long it is if you unloc'd it. I think that's what Foxxylocs did. In any case, you got some hurr ova thurr. :lick: And, you're waaaaay post HL. :yep:
Um, well....speaking for myself, HL is at the top of hipbone or where the hips start to flare out. Below the booty (in that first length chart pic) is classic length.

So, er, I think you're lost. I think you're looking for either the ~ TBL 2012 Challenge ~ or the TL 2011 ON AND CRAKIN thread. If your loc'd hair is hanging out at TBL, girl! I can only imagine how long it is if you unloc'd it. I think that's what Foxxylocs did. In any case, you got some hurr ova thurr. :lick: And, you're waaaaay post HL. :yep:

Thanks!!! I just took some pics and I'm so mad at myself because if hadn't cut them last year I'da been at CL... oh well. There are plenty of worse things to complain about....

Thanks again.
I'm planning to trim another inch tomorrow night. I did one a couple weeks ago. I'm gonna get rid of these scrawny relaxed ends and thicken up this hemline by the end of the year for sure. I'm pretty excited.

BTW, I DC my hair yesterday with a mixture of egg yolks, honey, aloe vera gel, Aussie Moist with sage and fenugreek EOs added. My hair LOVED it and feels WONDERFUL! :reddancer: I'm a happy camper right now. This after a frustrating detangling incident a few days ago.