Help with my spritz mix


New Member
I am having problems with my spritz mix and would like to know of a way to make it better. I will list what I use and what I have in my house because I currently don't have extra funding to go out and buy more. So any suggestions using what I already have would be greatly appreciated.

I am using the simple mix of aloe vera juice, rose water and some glycerin. Where I live is very very dry. I live in New Mexico. So what I have noticed is that when I spray my hair with this mixture. Even though my roots are very soft and moisturized, the next day my ends will be very dry. And this is even though I moisturize and seal the ends.

If someone can give me a better yet still simple mixture, for the type of weather I live in it would be great. I love how it does my roots but I don't like how it does my ends. I am thinking the problem is the glycerin.

Oils I currently have on hand:

Almond oil
Avocado oil
Castor oil
Coconut oil
Grape seed oil
Glycerin oil
Macadamia oil
Olive oil
Shea Butter oil

Thanks in advance! :grin:

ETA: I am a relaxed stretcher and the spritz is mainly for my new growth.
I have stopped using the mix because the of the dry ends, but have experienced more shedding/breakage at the demarcation line. I am currently using Hawaiian silky on my new growth, but find that it is making me do too much manipulation to work it in. So I really want to go back to my spritz.
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Leave out the glycerin (and any other humectants). Since the air where you are is dry the humectants have no moisture to attract so they're probably taking it from your hair.

Coconut, olive, and avocado have the ability to penetrate the strand so those are good for a spritz. Castor oil is great for sealing but I wouldn't use it as part of a moisturizing spritz, I'd use it after.

I think aloe and rosewater mixed with one of the penetrating oils would be great.