Hello Everyone - Just Introducing...


:p Just wanted to say hello and state that I was an "unpaid" member for a about a year or so and today have a become an official member.

It took me a while to join because to be honest, I was not comfortable or familiar with the "paypal" thing... I talked to a few friends who stated they were recent members & they thought it was pretty legit...

So..... Here I am! I now trust that PayPal is an official method as far as privacy & honesty is concerned.... so I'll just have to see:ohwell:

Anyways, I've learned so much from this board and I am so glad that I can finally interact & learn more about my hair.
I will honestly say that my hair started out at ear length when I first found this website & it is now currently a little past my shoulders. I must truly say that I wouldn't have achieved this growth or knowledge if it wasn't for the tis and advise I received this from this site.

Thanks LHCF! Have a Wonderful Day!

** I'll post pics soon... I have to find some old pics and take some new ones***
Hey girl! Welcome! I was an unpaid member for about the same amount of time also. But I still feel new here but it is such an informative site. Well, grab a seat and lets all get acquainted! :p
I understand your reluctance about using paypal. But I've used it for a number of things without any problems. Though I did once receive a spoof/fake e-mail pretending to be from paypal---I didn't click on the link in the e-mail and reported it to paypal. They confirmed it was a fake e-mail and not from them (beware of suspicious e-mails--it looked like a totally legit e-mail from paypal but the info it said about my account being "suspended" didn't make sense--they just wanted me to give them my account info :ohwell:).

But enough about that, welcome to the forum!!!! :D:D:D :band: I look forward to seeing before and after pictures.